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Naruto couldn't believe his eyes. When Naruto woke up he was wrapped in someone's arms that someone was Obito Naruto of course didn't mind but when he looked around the whole entire Akatsuki organization was inside his apartment and most of them where sleeping, there were team 7 and hinata who was sleeping with sakura and Ino on my floor I felt so bad so I quickly teleported my sleeping boyfriend on the floor with the other boys then I teleported the three girls on my bed. After doing my morning routines I quickly and shriftly made my way to the kitchen. After awhile I walked out of the kitchen with a couple clones helping me bring all the food and dishes to the table getting ready for the rest to wake up the ones who were already awake was Konan who helped me make the food, kakuzu who is a lazy bum he also refused to eat until his boyfriend woke up, the others awake was hinata she woke up not to long ago but she did not want to wake up her girlfriends so she stayed in bed with them apologizing that she couldn't help, the other one is Itachi he of course wanted to help but Kakashi being really strong held him in place, sasuke was also awake and to my surprise he actually sent a few clones to help me and Konan carry out the heavy stuff such if the big pits of soup and the bowls and plates but i would have been fine without him but i was grateful for his help. The rest were all sleeping. it wasn't a big surprise to me and the other two occupants in the room the two being Konan and Sasuke that the first people who walked in where the three girls, after they entered we all greeted each other. My memories where still fuzzy. I don't know why we all ended up in my apartment. Like reading my mind Sasuke spoke, "if your wondering how we all got in your apartment you and Hidan had a fight and Hidan said if he lost he'll buy us all sake and he lose so we all got drunk and in your drunken state you invited all of us in your apartment" Sasuke said shiver at the battle that couldn't stop replaying in his head. (Naruto and Hidan fought friendly of course but then Hidan called Naruto stupid small fri and Naruto got pissed off and cut him in pieces then dug a whole and buried him alive but of course he apologized and Naruto also apologized and then there now good buds). "Ohh that's why I have a huge cut on my stomach" Naruto said and picked up her shirt showing the deep cut. "Damn dude you should tell your boyfriend about that" Sasuke said making Naruto cringe. "Nah he'll probably hurt Hidan" Naruto said pulling down her shirt feeling all the rest of her other guests come in the room. Her boyfriend was talking to Itachi about something she couldn't here. "Good morning everyone" Naruto said cheerfully making everyone stare at her. "Goodmorning/morning/hai/ngh"  was the responses she got. "Okay now before you leave or if your gonna leave eat breakfast first" Naruto said making it clear to everyone that Naruto did not want them to go. It was true she was tired of living alone. After everyone ate Naruto and Sasuke's clones put the dishes in the sink then Sakura's clones washed then and Kakashi's clones dried and put them away. "Do you guys do that often" Obito asked making Naruto nod. "Yes Every friday we would meet up either here, kaka-sensie's, sakura, or Sasuke's place to eat but when are birthday's come we leave the village and go to an old house a far distance from the village" Naruto said making the others nod. (It was all an act in the academy so the others think there weak). "Oh yeah Obito you should check your girlfriend's stomach there's a huge cut" Konan said watching as Obito eye smiles "oh it's okay I already know" Obito said smiling at Konan. "How she made it clear she didn't tell you" Sakura said looking at Obito truly curious. "I felt it I mean we did sleep in the same bed and she was really rubbing me yesterday when you guys blacked out" Obito said making Naruto blush and hit him on the head. "I was drunk shut up" Naruto mumbled. "And do you have proof" Naruto asked thinking he doesn't the key word being thinking. "Of course Naru-hime" Obito said challining chakra to the wall then to his head and showing his memory. In the memory Naruto was kissing Obito everywhere his neck his chest his arms his lips his cheeks everywhere but before it could get to her undressing he stopped the memory. "Yeah the rest is mine to see" Obito said turning back around to see all of then either had a nose bleed or a blush on there cheeks. Not even a second later the tops started dragging the bottoms out of the room and into different parts of the apartment the apartment had exactly 8 bedrooms and the only reason why the others didn't have a room was because Naruto used her chakra to report them all here and she was to exhausted to move them in there spare rooms. Naruto could here moans she couldn't believe her ears everyone was doing it. Literally it was only Obito and Naruto in the kitchen now. "Your not like them right" Naruto Asked. "Calm down my love I won't do it with you unless your ready" Obito said kissing her forehead but she could clearly see him struggling so she decided to help him.

Lol yeah I ain't doing a seen like this again lmao😂😂😂

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