Ch- 20 Lightning Mcjohn 🏎️

441 26 16

Ugh..the sports festival

I listen to the cheers and chattering of the students, noticing a few adults, most likely parents in the crowd near the stalls.. smiling and laughing

if only they knew what these little demons got up to in their free time.

I sit, twiddling my thumbs watching the royals and surprisingly that low tier girl  Sera is always fawning over chat away the daylight, with Isen and Blyke. 

Isen seems to be flushed because of either the sun or the sudden barrage of apologies and congratulations of which are mostly sprouted from a misunderstanding, someone, cough.. caused. Wonder who that was.

Other than horns and cheers blasting through the open field sudden gasps are heard, barely, but still heard. I look over to see Isen rubbing the back of his neck, and Blyke with his face in his palm

Has the misunderstanding been cleared up?

"John! can you come over here please" I hear Remi shout from the shaded tent as if calling to scold a toddler for the mess they made

Yup. aaand that's my cue to get the fuck out of here..

I get up from the bleacher steps, stretching my legs to get a nice head start before Sera eventually catches me

"Oi, if you run you know what's gonna happen to your boba allowance." Sera threatens from underneath the tent sitting beside a certain yellow haired prick

sweat starts to form on the back of my neck as I slowly turn and start stepping down from the steps, the crisp grass crushing under my sneakers

Why is she beside that fucker? and why is she always threatening the boba of all things!

"Yes almighty Sera..?" I perk a brow with sass clear in both my eyes

"Where's that sorry you owe to Isen?" Sera sighs

My throat tightens.

Me saying sorry to this fuckerYou must out of your goddamn mind if you think ill say sorry to the same bitch who dug up my history and leaked it to the worst person in this fucking school.

But. this is Sera.. Ill either get my precious boba allowance cut or have Sera give me a look of disappointment

Afterall she doesn't know why I hate him

Isen stands there, looking at me as if someone told him he's being sent to the electric chairs in five minutes

Which isnt completely wrong

"Sorry." I say with a bitter tone

"i-its fine.. ahaha.." Isen barely gets the words out

"anyways the races are starting.. I should go and see if everything ok over there" He shuffles away

Blyke simply stares at me from the side, confusion, unsureness and a hint of anger in his eyes, probably wondering why Isen didn't give me a punch to the gut or a firm cussing

Ha. Idiots



I chat with the assistant the student council lent me for the festival (probably out of pity from my work load), she checks off the details one by one before someone shouts "Mr.Isen" from the distance

Oh for the love of god..

The same blue haired boy who seems to always be the bearer of bad news comes up behind me

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