Sherlock Mario

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Mario Luigi peach and Daisy arrived in the land of mystery

Mario: plumbers log our adventure loving group arrived in a city called Victoria in the land of mystery cloaks and daggers and screams at the dead night. We have come find the greatest detective of all time Sherlock gnomes

Luigi: wait a second scream's at the dead of night?!

Daisy: those are just rumors it's not actually true

Luigi: phew... that's a relief

Peach: Sherlock gnomes said he would meet us at this street at midnight maybe can help us stop free the toads and bowser

Daisy: we have to find him first which might be hard because of all this fog! I can barely see a few feet in front of me

The four of them heard someone calling for help

Luigi: huh? someone's in trouble!

They all heard the scream again

Mario: follow me!

Mario Luigi peach and Daisy went to see what was happening but only found Sherlock's hat and Magnifying glass

Peach: it's Sherlock's hat and Magnifying glass

Daisy: but where's Sherlock?

Mario: he must've been kidnapped!

Luigi: k-kidnapped? B-By who?

Mario: that I'm going to find out or my name isn't Sherlock Mario

Mario put on Sherlock's hat and held on to the magnifying glass

Daisy: I only have one guess on who kidnapped him

All: Bowser!


Meanwhile Bowser tied up Sherlock in the sewer

Bowser: those idiots will never find us down here! And with Sherlock Holmes as my prisoner I can now commit the ultimate crime in this city!

Sherlock: you'll never get away with it bowser!

Bowser: oh really? And who's going to stop me? I'm afraid you're tied all up at the moment!

Mouser: hahaha! All tied up! That's a good one sir!

Bowser: shut up! So mister smarty pants detective I bet you can't guess what my next plan is!

Sherlock: on the contrary bowser you're going to break into the tower of Victoria and steal a new weapon which is the Retro Router

Bowser glared at his minions

Bowser: Ok which one of you boneheads spilled the beans?!

Koopa: I was going to pick them up I promise!

Bowser: what?! I'm not talking about actual beans!

Koopa: Oh...

Sherlock: I figured it out myself Bowser it's a common crime for a common thief like you would commit

Bowser: you listen hear dummy there is nothing common about me!


Back with Mario Luigi peach and Daisy they went to Sherlock Holmes home

Peach: so this is Sherlock Holmes famous home in Victoria

Daisy: so what exactly are we looking for again?

Mario looked around the living room

Mario: elementary princess Daisy! a clue!

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