King Mario Of Cramalot Season 2 Premiere!

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Bowser was sitting on his throne when Kamek walked up to him nervously

Kamek: my lord there's a slight problem with the spell to trap Mario in a nightmare...

Bowser: don't just stand there what is it?!

Kamek: it won't be ready for weeks

Bowser: WHAT?!

Kamek: but we still have plenty of ways to destroy Mario Luigi peach and Daisy

Bowser: fine I'm listening


Mario Luigi peach and Daisy arrived in the kingdom of Cramalot

Mario: plumbers log it's been pretty peaceful since Daisy beat bowser using the green thunder we needed a way to free peach's kingdom. Luckily we traveled to the kingdom of Cramalot

Peach: I hope mervin can help free people

Daisy: I've never heard of him. how do we know he has magic?

The four of them were suddenly ambushed by shy guy's

Daisy: these guys again?

They were ready to fight but a wizard appeared

mervin: abracadabra begone!

He used his magic on the shy guys and they disappeared

Peach: with magic like that you must be mervin the magician

Daisy: we need your help

Mervin: I'm at your service princesses wait until you see my magic cave and crystal ball


The five of them went to mervin's cave

Mervin: it was King Bowser you sent the shy guys after you

Luigi: Cramalot's here in bowser?! I mean... bowser's here in Cramalot?!

Daisy: I knew the peace wouldn't last long. But what's bowser doing here?

Mervin: when the king died bowser moved in and crowned himself king

Peach: is there anything we can do to help?

Mervin: one special person can defeat bowser but first he must past a test no man has past before. Whoever is to free out land must free the golden plunger from the stone

Daisy: I thought it was a sword


Mario Luigi peach Daisy and mervin go to the kingdom's town and saw the plunger in the stone

Daisy: that plunger is made out of solid gold

Mervin: Whoever pulls out that plunger will be crowned a real king and become powerful enough to drive bowser away!

Mario: that's easy! I was born with a plunger in my hand!

Luigi: I know. That sure was hard on mom

Mario: there's no pipe I can't unclog!

Mario was able to pull out the plunger from the stone and his friends cheered

Mervin: Cramalot has a new king!

Daisy: congrats Mario!

Peach: isn't this exciting? We're going to crown you king!

Mervin: soon you'll find a queen!

Daisy: you won't have to look that far

Suddenly bowser and his army walked up to them.

Bowser: don't celebrate yet!

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