The First Plan In Finding My Identity

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I wake up to a blurry vision and a face floating above me, but it's like a face from an alternate universe or something

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I wake up to a blurry vision and a face floating above me, but it's like a face from an alternate universe or something. I squint a couple of times, and my sight starts to stabilize. Unfortunately, the dizziness in my head is still having a grand old time, making me feel like I'm on a roller coaster ride without the fun part. Then, slowly but surely, Jimin comes into focus. He's wearing his worry lines like they're going out of style. So, being the considerate person I am, I give his arm a comforting pat and attempt to sit up. He lends a helping hand, and I realize we're still in the dining room. Phew, at least I wasn't out for too long.

"What on earth just happened?" Jimin bombards me with questions, and the rest of the gang stares at me with expectant eyes. Feeling obliged, I make my way to the table and scribble down the chaotic events that unfolded. Jin, once again, steps up as my voice, reading my scribbles out loud for everyone's benefit.

"So, let me get this straight. You believe you were born in 1976 or 1977?" Jin clarifies, earning me a nod. Suddenly, a sharp pain shoots through my brain, catching me off guard. It's like the first pain I've felt in this wild journey, and it hits me like a ton of bricks. I clutch my head, silently wishing I had a voice to let out a mighty groan. I stay in that position until the pain finally eases, and then I glance up.

Concern is etched on everyone's faces, and Yoongi and Jimin have their arms slightly extended towards me. Do they even realize they're doing that? The others seem baffled, trying to digest the mind-boggling revelation I just dropped on them.

"How on earth can you claim to be born in the late '70s?" Taehyung fires the question at me, as perplexed as ever. I simply shrug my shoulders, feeling just as clueless about this whole situation.

"Well, it's certainly a fantastic starting point in our quest to unveil her identity. She looks about 20, which means she vanished into thin air around 1994, '95, or '96," Hoseok chimes in, glancing at the others. I quickly jot down my next question, and Jin takes it upon himself to read it aloud for everyone's benefit.

"But how on earth could I lose a whopping 23 years? What the hell happened to me? Why do I still look like a fresh-faced youngster when I'm technically 41 or 42 years old? And why is my body malfunctioning like a glitchy computer?" The guys exchange glances, realizing they don't have an answer for me. And truth be told, I didn't really expect one either. It was just my way of venting out the frustration that had built up inside me. The whole 41/42 years thing really sent me for a loop.

"Yoongi, my man, can you work your hacking magic and infiltrate every police database known to mankind?" Jimin throws the question at the dark-haired genius. Yoongi rubs his chin thoughtfully, pondering the request.

"Well, it's gonna take me a couple of days, but yeah, I can do it. Why though?" He shoots us a curious glance, his eyes lighting up with realization. "Wait, you want Noa to sift through all the missing persons files to find any reports about her? That's actually a brilliant idea, but damn, it's gonna be one heck of a daunting task," he concludes, and I can't help but shudder at the mountain of data I'm about to dive into.

Revenge, Guns And..............A Magic Doll - BTS Jimin/Yoongi/Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now