Men Troubles

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He's finally here! Oh, now I can give him a piece of my mind and explain

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He's finally here! Oh, now I can give him a piece of my mind and explain. As he casually leans against the doorframe, he fixes his gaze on me, silent and stoic. Those eyes of his are colder than ice, but I'm determined to melt them with my words.

"I pushed you away because I wanted it to mean something. When you kiss me, I want fireworks exploding in my head. I want to be lost in the intoxicating sensation of your lips pressed against mine and that's not possible at this time," I passionately declare, dramatically tearing the piece of paper off and thrusting it toward him. He glances down at it and then back at me, crossing his arms defiantly.

Sadly, I cast a forlorn gaze at the rejected paper, then turn back to the piano, gently placing it on the bench. I spin around, offering him a feeble wave, but he doesn't even acknowledge it. Leaving him standing there, I can't help but feel a wave of sadness. If only tears were an option right now. It's clear he doesn't want to listen, and I can't force him to understand. Well, the next time I'm in his room searching through the files, things will certainly be interesting.

Leaving the notebook and pen in the kitchen, I remind myself it'll be the first place I need to use them. The irony of not being tired at all is that it somehow feels utterly exhausting. Eager to avoid another encounter with Yoongi, I stealthily slip through the front door and settle on the steps leading up to the house. The night sky is clear, with a crescent moon casting a gentle glow on the surroundings. It makes the stars a bit harder to spot, but I squint and strain my eyes anyway.

Hours pass by slowly, the world gradually waking up and growing brighter with each passing moment. I watch as the house stirs to life, faint sounds reaching my secluded spot. With a sigh, I rise from my perch and step inside. Walking toward the kitchen, I breathe in deeply, savoring the aroma that fills the air. It's almost masochistic how I torture myself by indulging in these fragrances, knowing I can't actually taste any of it.

"Good morning, Noa. How was your night?" Jin cheerfully greets me as he busily scrambles a mountain of eggs. I respond with a so-so gesture, and he looks up from his culinary endeavors. I get everything ready to be carried over to the dining table. Once I'm done, Jin waves me off, indicating that he no longer needs my assistance. It takes me three trips to ferry everything, but I don't mind the extra effort.

The guys are already seated at the table, eagerly awaiting Jin's arrival with the last of the much-anticipated food. I take my place and offer a friendly wave, receiving waves in return from everyone except Jimin and Yoongi. Jimin is engrossed in some papers, carefully scrutinizing the top one. As for Yoongi, his face remains an enigma, revealing nothing about whether he bothered to read my heartfelt explanation. Meanwhile, Namjoon has his nose buried in a book about flower arrangements, which comes as a surprise. Who would have thought he had an interest in floral artistry?

Jungkook casts impatient glances at the door behind me, eagerly awaiting Jin's entrance with the rest of their meal. That boy has an insatiable appetite, and I can't help but think that once my taste buds are fully functional again, I'll let him introduce me to his favorite culinary delights. Hobi-no, he's definitely more of a Hobi to me than a Hoseok-is engaged in lively conversation with Taehyung, who looks thoroughly captivated by Hobi's boundless energy.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2023 ⏰

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Revenge, Guns And..............A Magic Doll - BTS Jimin/Yoongi/Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now