Booze, Blood, and Bob

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"Damn it Gerard you're 'spossed to buy her dinner first!" My door was thrown open with a bang as the owner of the voice entered the bedroom. I felt Gerard move under me, his chest stil clothed in the black material, as I woke up.

"Bob nothing happened." He groaned. He still had one hand wrapped around my waist and the other came up to sheild his eyes. I agreed, that sun was ruthless on our eyes. I could feel a head ache coming on. I sat up and slipped off the bed, my shirt was wrinkled and wrapped at odd angles, my jeans were folded up one leg and strangling the other.

"Well obviously, or else you'd be undressed." The man, Bob, shrugged as I walked past him and into the livingroom. Vlad was enthralled by an old episode of Scooby Doo, and I passed him on my way to the kitchen. I could hear Gerard adn Bob still talking from my bedroom. The mumbles seeping through the walls.

"How about eggs today V? I asked, opening the fridge. I needed to make a trip to the grocery store.

Vlad nodded and went back to his show, the scarecrow was chasing Shaggy and

Scooby through a corn feild. Gerard and Bob walked out of my bedroom, Bob laughing heartily and Gerard grimacing, running a hand through his messy hair.

"hey no, it's saturday. You get weekends off." He pulled the eggs out of my hand and grabbed my hips, stearing me to a chair, "Sit. I'm taking care of you today."

I rolled my eyes but obeyed, sitting on a bar stool behind the breakfast bar. It wasn't long until Bob sat next to me, sticking out his hand.

"Bob Bryar, light and sound technition." He grinned as I shook his hand.

"Asrenic Kates, Nanny and English Major."

"oh cool what school?"

"Maryland State. Fear the turtle." I laughed and he chuckled, as Gerard began to overcook the eggs, "You flip them now Gee." I yelled.

"Psh, I totally knew that!" He called, accedntly dropping an egg on the stove. Bob applauded his valiant effort.

About ten minutes later we had sat down with our charred eggs. Bob had stationed himself next to Vlad on the bar stools while Gerard and I were tangled on top of each other on the couch.


"Yeah V?"

"Is Uncle Bob coming to the Zoo with us today?" Vlad was excited, the day before Gerard had promised him a trip to see the Vampire Bats at the zoo.

"Only if he wants to"

"What about uncle Frankie, and Uncle Mikey"

"They'll meet us there V"

"Is uncle Ray working today?"

"Just eat your food"

Bob and I snickered as Gerard sighed. Vladimir shrugged and went back to his blackened egg yolks.

Three hours later we were all dressed in clean clothes, bathed, and ready to go. I was armed with a camera, and Gerard his sketch book; both of us determined to capture the memories for Vlad.

The four year old had insisted on wearing his Zombie Giraffe shirt Gerard's old friend, Lyn-Z as she was known professionally, had made him. He kept chattering on and on about how the lions were really from outer space and sending their 'prey' back to mars for experiments.

He only ceased his chatter when we parked and were heading towards the gates and two men came racing towards us.

"Yo V! Wassup buddy?" One of them, this one shorter and covered in tattoos, raced towards Vlad. He picked him up and tossed him in the air while the other, taller, one with mousy brown hair and glasses, pulled Gerard into a hug.

"Its good to see you Gee, I see you got a Nanny?" The one with the glasses pulled back and looked t me before stretching out his hand," Mikey Way, i'm Gerard's younger brother. Thats Frank, he's a handful"

"Am not!"

"Arsenic Kates, I'm Vlads nanny" I laughed and greeted him, pulling my sunglasses over my eyes.

"Well, I hope you're up for wild and weird. Because thats pretty much all Gerard is"



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