Kids make graves

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We quietly made our way out of the car. Gerard had a sour expression on his face and fiddled with his hair as we made our way into the giant toy store. The shelves rose above us and the sounds of screeching children were everywhere; reminding me how lucky I was he only had one kid.

We walked passed giant pyramids of Lego's, "No V we are getting a toy box and an action figure remember?", doll houses, and coloring books. The back of the store rose up above us, along with rows and rows of different colored toy boxes.

"I can't believe you have deprived your son of such a vital piece of furniture." I said to Gerard as we lifted one with dinosaurs into the cart.

"I've been busy okay?" He sounded slightly off, as if he was suddenly uncomfortable. I decided maybe I should just focus on Vladimir for the time being.

"Vlad, did you find your action figure?" I called, he nodded furiously, long locks of dark brown hair falling into his face, "He needs a hair cut." I muttered, Gerard giggled a bit.

"C'mon buddy lets go check out," I said. Gerard reached over and took the action figure from his son before lifting him onto his shoulders. I smiled and followed them, leaning over the cart and pushing it through the mob of children and parents.

The check out went smoothly, aside from Gerard scaring a little girl with some fake vampire teeth, and we quickly made our way out to the van.

"You'll have to show me how to get to your brother place Arsenic." Gerard mentioned as we loaded the toy box into the back of the van.

We climbed into the car and listened to V's superhero noises as we made out way down the freeway. I told him when to turn and the house number and soon enough we pulled up in front of my brothers small house.

I climbed out and ran inside, the smell of booze hit me like freight train as I opened the door. My brother was passed out on the couch with a beer in his hand and The Notebook playing on the Television. I crept back into my bedroom and grabbed the few belongings I had; a guitar, three duffel bags, and some toiletries from the bathroom.

I came out of my room and heard him shuffling around cursed silently under my breath. As silently as I could I crept out of the hall and snuck past him towards the front door.

"Hey!" He called, he took another swig of beer as I opened the door and began to step out.

"Go away Mitch." I said. He grabbed my wrist and made me drop my guitar case.

"Aw why?" He asked, his putrid breath was invading my nostrils as I heard a car door open behind me, "Who's this Arsenic? Your new boyfriend?" He looked down and finally seemed to notice my bags, "Are you moving out?"

"Yes." I said, pulling away. I took a step back and fell into Gerard's chest.

"Gerard Way." He said, he reached out and shook my intoxicated brothers hand, "I'm her new employer; she'll be moving in with me."

Mitch laughed and took another swig of beer, "Oh so she's a harlot or whatever its called now eh? Prostitute?"

"Nanny." Gerard and I said in unison.

"Whatever, Fuck buddies." Mitch said, he began to make his way inside, "Just don't get AIDS okay?" before slamming the screen door behind him.

I picked up my bags an made my way back to Gerards van, "Lets just go, i'll make dinner." I said, he nodded and started up the van.

I sat in the passenger seat on the way back, staring straight ahead. my cheeks burned with embarrassment and I felt the need to apologize, but I couldn't find the words for it. My brother wasn't very successful, a college dropout on welfare.

Gerard reached over and took my hand in his, giving it a light squeeze. I squeezed back and smiled at the friendly gesture. Vlad was making the Hulk smash the empire state building through the widow as we pulled into the apartment complex.

When we went inside Gerard went to help Vlad set up his toy box as I raided the tiny kitchen. I managed to scope out a box of noodles and some pasta sauce and successfully burnt the spaghetti. At this point I honestly didn't' care and just wanted the day to be over.

After we ahd put Vlad to bed collpased on the couch and Gerard chuckled, "You want to watch a movie?" He asked. I just mumbled something incoherent as a response, he took it as a yes. Within moments he had a movie in.

He walked over to the couch with two bottles of wine and lifted up my torso (my body was draped across the entire piece of furniture) settling himself into the couch before gingerly setting my head down on his lap.

"You've head a long day haven't you?" I nodded and he handed me one of the wines, "Well, drink up."

The movie he had chosen just happened to be a star wars flick (Episode four) and we watched it, draining the wine bottles and draping ourselves over each other on the tiny couch as Vlad slept in the next room. It wasn't long before Gerard finished his wine and we began to share mine; the glass bottle passing between out hands and our lips wrapping around the rim as Jedi fought for the force in front of us.

"Vaders cool." Gerard mumbled.

"Yeah, Vader is really cool." I agreed, licking my lips.

The movie ended sometime around midnight and I took the bottle (only a centimeter left in the bottle) and trooped into my room to play the guitar for the rest of the night, Gerard sitting at the foot of my bed listening. He sang along on occasion, his velvety voice gliding with the notes and floating softly into our alcohol induced stupor. Eventually he found himself sitting behind me as the last few notes of Hotel California rang out of the room. I leaned back into his chest, clothed by a back button down and my eyes fluttered closed.

"Thank you." I whispered.

" 's Kay babe." He yawned.

After that, we were out.

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