x Chapter Two x

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But as he twisted the knob of the door, he was blown away from the loud screams in his bedroom and the five people sitting or standing there, one of which was a complete stranger with an icy glare on his face and an intimidating stance.

Blinking a few time, Allistor stared at everyone. His mind trying to reel in why these people were in his room, especially since the rest of the crew was up on deck, preparing for the day, he already accidentally bumped into one of them.

He already knew the trio that was in his room, Gilbert, Francis and Antonio, he also already kind of met the Italian that stumbled into his room recently, the one that wore a blind cloth.

But the man with the blond hair and blue eyes was a complete mystery. His voice was deep and it was obvious that he built up a lot of muscle, and therefore was probably very strong. He looked as if he was one of those brutes that would have easily won a fight without even trying, but a scar on his arm told Allistor that he probably had a few loses as well.

Shaking his head, Allistor tried to stop himself from giving himself a headache. Honestly, all these thoughts were getting a bit annoying. Snapping out of his daze, he looked at Francis who proudly held up a crimson box of clothing with a proud smile plastered on his face as Gilbert tapped his foot on the ground impatiently in a strange little tune.

"Je designed these mon self!" The Frenchman exclaimed as the Italian suddenly began viciously nodding his head with a smile.

"Ve~ His clothes are so pretty!" Grinned the Italian as the other man with blue eyes muttered, "Feli..."

Reaching out and taking the box slowly, Allistor looked at the clothing with curiosity. From what he could see, was that there was a blue coat with white ruffles, as well as a pair of black trousers. There was probably a top hidden somewhere in there as well.

"Je always wanted un fils," smiled Francis fondly as he stood up and left the room with a sighing Gilbert in tow, who was muttering something along the way, probably how much of a slob Francis was sounding.

Smiling, the Spanish-man just went up and hugged the frozen boy as Allistor's eyes became wide. "Bienvenido a la familia," grinned Antonio as he stopped the hug and began walking towards the door in the small room. "Ludwig y Feli will take you to the dining hall for breakfast. Hasta pronto~" He said before walking through the door, probably going to try catch up with Francis and Gilbert.

As soon as he left, it was as if Allistor began a staring match with the man that had the icy glare. They were both scanning each other, judging each other, and both of them knew that. Feli just sat there, not really noticing the tension until a few minutes, that was when he decided to introduce himself properly.

"Ve~ I'm Feliciano e this is Ludwig! He's really nice! Though he can be scary. His cooking is scary as well! He likes to cook wurst, but isn't pasta better! Ve~ I met you before! We can have pasta today! Certo!" Cheered Feliciano as Allistor just blinked a few times, thinking in his mind that the Italian talks way too much and way too quickly.

"Feli," began Ludwig as he startled the Italian suddenly, "we should allow him to get changed. We have to go to breakfast afterwards," he said - though it sounded more like he ordered the Italian.

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