Chapter One

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I stared at the road absentmindedly. I am so nervous. What if they don't like me? I'm not really the social type and I don't think they would like that type of attitude. I sighed through my nose. But at least, my cousin would be there.

I am currently in my cousin's car, waiting for the school to appear in the view. My mother died in an accident last month and I was sent to my father's town. You see, they're divorced. My father left us when I was twelve. I dreaded him since then. But I have no choice, I'm still sixteen and gonna be seventeen next month.

I'm gonna attend this new school with my cousin, father side but she's still cool. Both of us are juniors. She was the first person I talked to ever since I moved here. I never talked to my dad or anyone else. But she's so stubborn and I finally gave in. I talked to her, we eventually became close.

My hands are getting sweaty from all the nervousness I am currently feeling. I'm not really sure if I could do this. "Amber, can't I skip the first day?" I asked.

"No, silly." My cousin replied, her eyes still on the road. "You can do it." She encouraged me.

"No." I replied as I frowned. "You don't even know what it feels like."

"Yes I do and you can freaking do it. They'll like you. Plus, I have these people I call friends and I can introduce you to them. They're very nice." She said as she turned her head to me.

"Fine. But you're gonna buy me lunch." I said, giving her a toothy grin.

"You're such a baby."

"And you're old."

"Hey just because I'm one month older than you doesn't mean I'm old." Amber retorted.

I just chuckled and she did the same afterwards. I averted my gaze to her. We have the same chestnut brown hair, same nose, same height. One of our many differences is our eyes. She got those wide dark blue eyes and I got these plain, dull, green eyes. I'm nothing compared to her. She's gorgeous, smart, witty, and sweet. I'm nothing. I'm dull, I hate math, I'm a sarcastic bitch, and I'm definitely the exact opposite of sweet. I sighed.

Can't this day be any worse?


Lunch came and now people are swarming in the cafeteria. Amber went there first while I am in my locker right now, arranging my things. I slammed my locker door after I'm done and made my way to the cafeteria. I searched for Amber but she's nowhere to be found. Where is she? She said she's gonna buy me lunch. I sighed frustratingly as I began to move my legs towards the food counter. I guess I'm gonna buy my lunch myself.

After buying my freaking food which is supposedly to be bought by my traitor cousin, I searched for a table. Seems like I don't need to search for one because my overly energetic cousin waves at me while jumping. Weird, I know. But it runs in the family, we're weird. I rolled my eyes at her walked at her direction anyway.

"Where were you?" was the first thing I said as I placed my tray on the table.

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