Chapter Three

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Days passed and it was Friday. The bell rang a few minutes ago which indicated dismissal. I searched for my friends. Those bunch of idiots actually left me when I was putting my things in my locker. I ran in the hallway and me being me, I bumped into someone and it made me fell down which caused my butt to make contact with the floor.

"Ouch." I said as I winced in pain. I looked up and saw Carter staring at me. Won't he even help me stand? I sighed as I stood up myself. Carter is actually the least closest member of the group to me. He's just so distant when I talk to him but I noticed that he's so friendly and got along well with other people. Seriously. Is there something wrong with me?

"Sorry." I told him.

"It's fine." he replied as he walked away. See? He's very distant.

"Uh, wait." he stopped. "Do you know where they are?" I asked.

"No." He answered as his figure disappeared in the halls.

Such a snob.

Just as I about to turn and walk to the different direction, a familiar voice hollered, "Andy."

I sighed in relief. Thank goodness. "Colton!"

"Too eager to see me?" he teased.

I rolled my eyes. "Not really."

"Ouch, Andy. That hurt my ego." He said as he lifted his hand to his chest dramatically.

"Anyway, do you know where they are?" I asked him.

"Oh yeah. We've been looking for you. They're in the parking lot."

"Well then, let's head there."

"Okay." Colton said as he swung his arm around my shoulder. Being small doesn't help actually. Me being 5'8 and him being 6'2 is so difficult. And now his freaking heavy arm is around my shoulder. I pouted at him but instead of removing his arm he just laughed while ruffling my hair.

We eventually arrived at the parking lot, Colton's arm is still around my shoulder. I am very sure I'll have a shoulder ache tonight. When we began to move closer to them I noticed Carter laughing at something Jake said. I frowned. Didn't he said he doesn't know where they are? Then why did he came here earlier than me and Colton? Liar.

"Finally, they're here!" I heard Riles shouted. Their heads snapped at our direction instantly.

I saw Tyler wiggling his eyebrows while Jake smirked. Even Sandy is grinning at me and Riles staring at me with amusement. Is something wrong? My head faced Amber to ask questions but her glare stopped me.


Amber is glaring at me? Okay, there is something wrong here. I faced the last person which is Carter and saw something in his eyes. Sad. Angry. Betrayed. To say I was shocked was an understatement. Carter usually have no emotions in his eyes. But those emotions disappeared in his eyes just as how fast it appeared. Something's fishy.

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