Chapter Five

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"Class as you all know there is a school event for the upcoming month and the Juniors are gonna be the one who would perform for the introduction." Our homeroom teacher said, her eyes beaming with excitement.

"What school event?" I whispered to Amber who is sitting quietly on my side.

"The school's Foundation Day. It is when the school was founded. It is a school tradition actually." Amber answered.

"And we are gonna perform?" I asked.

"Yeah. Last year it was the Seniors who performed."


"Now I want you all in the auditorium after dismissal." Our homeroom teacher said and immediately dismissed us.

I stood up and gathered my things in my bag. Amber waited for me at the door and I immediately went to her.

"What are we gonna perform?" I asked as we walked down the halls.

"I don't know. We're gonna have a meeting after dismissal at the auditorium, right?" I nodded in response. "Then your question is gonna be answered there."

"Sucks that only the two of us are in the Homeroom A. Riles, Sandy, Tyler, Colton, Jake, and Carter are in the Homeroom B." I stated.

"Yeah. And it doesn't even help when our homeroom teacher is as strict as hell." Amber said.

I snorted, "Yeah right. Her rules are so nonsense."

"Well, we should just endure it. I don't want to have a detention again."

I looked at her in shock, "You got detention?"

"Yeah. It's because I threw my spaghetti at my math teacher's face."

I burst out laughing, "Oh my god. When was it?" I asked after I sobered up.

"Freshman year. Well, what can I do? He's pressuring me." Amber said as she pouted.

I chuckled. We went on our separate ways to our classes. She got English, I got Drama next. Ugh, life.


"I hate this." Riles complained.

"You're just saying that since you got stage fright." Colton teased her.

"Shut up, pig." Riles retorted, smiling smugly.

"Hey, what did you call me? Do I look like a pig to you?"

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