Chapter Seven- Encounter with Colby

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© Copyright Sweetdreamer747 2013, All Rights Reserved

Chapter Seven: Encounter with Colby

I couldn't recognize him at first since his hair had changed from a bowl cut to a buzz and his face cleared up from acne. Plus, he is at least nearly a foot taller since the last time I saw him, which was 2 years ago. He used to be my neighbor and then he moved a couple blocks down. We used to hang out a lot- almost everyday. When he moved we saw each other less and less. Of course, puberty hit him and he began to prefer hanging out with the guys more then he did me so eventually we stopped contact all together. 2 years treated him well that's for sure...

For 2 whole minutes he just stared at me and before I could try to slap him him back into consciousness he snapped into reality.

"Oh God I'm sorry, I thought this room was empty and...God, what if you'd been-?!" His eyes grew wide, "..shit! I'm sorry!" He stuttered as he tried to scramble out of the room.

"Wait!" I shouted as I grasped his arm tightly to prevent him from leaving. Kayla and Aria were just outside this door and I can't take a chance on them seeing me, especially if I came out of a dressing this...with him.

He gives me a questioning look, giving me a double take, "Ciara?" Next he stares down at my hand clenching his arm for dear life and then to the skimpy contents of clothing I was wearing at the moment.

I look down in terror as I see my dress had just fallen ever so slightly as to expose my bra. I turn away rapidly and hug myself. I look at our reflection in the mirror that is now in front of me. We both look...embarrassed, or at least I think he is. He is definitely a shade of red that I have never seen on his face before.

I take a deep breath and turn my head towards him over my shoulder, "Don't take this the wrong way but, you can't leave yet. However, do you think you can turn around for a second?"

"How do I know you're not going to try anything?" He says teasingly.

I look him in the eyes for a second as pleadingly as possible. Yes, I broke out the puppy dog eyes. "Colby... you know I wouldn't."

"Well it's certainly been a while-people change." I know he's teasing but that comment sort of bugs me a little. Maybe I'm still not over the Kayla situation.

"Hey I should be the one worried here considering the position I'm in."

Suddenly he looked very flustered but then shrugged it off and took a 180 towards the door and bows his head like he had a sudden fascination with his feet.

I silently thank him and I slip my shirt over the dress and my pants underneath. You can never be too careful with a guy in the room. I resume to taking the dress off.

"So" he hesitates, "uh, why do I need to be here?"

He got me with that one. I have no idea how to explain this one without telling him everything, so all there is left to do is be evasive.

"That's classified information," I finish putting my shoes on, "you can look now"

"Wow. You sure know how to confuse a guy." He turns back and leans casually against the dressing room door and crosses his arms. I furrow my eyebrows in an attempt to look like I had no idea what he was talking about.

"Excuse me?"

"Well, I walk into an occupied dressing room and during my attempt to leave you pull me in like if I left it would be the end of the world. Then, when I question it, you leave me in the dark and expect me to just leave it at that." He looks me up and down with an expression on his face I couldn't pinpoint and then throws me a smirk, "not to mention the absence of a simple hello after 2 years."

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