Chapter Fourteen: One Word

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© Copyright Sweetdreamer747 2013, All Rights Reserved

**A/N: Shout out to all the dreamers out there! (desperately trying to be cool here- is it working? *awkward pause* no? *another awkward pause* ok then...I'll just go curl up in a ball somewhere- preferably a nice corner) Anyways, I know what you're thinking- about time for a new chapter of The New Chapter right? (joke never gets old XD) so many updates to my profile and stories going on all at once so don't kill me if I am a little late with the chapters (Hey, I still managed to throw one out there didn't I?) Forgive me? You are all such amazing individuals... Reeses cups for everyone! Jk, I ate them all... (sad life)


SCVF! Peanut butter chocolate deliciousness and colorful pants <3


Chapter Fourteen: One Word

It's amazing how one word could change your mood. One simple phrase can either take your breath away or send you tumbling down into a black hole of mixed emotions.

There are some words out there; however, that leave you wondering how you feel...

"Prom?" Colby sits back against the park bench next to me. I was too shocked by his proposal that we go on something along the lines of a date to move away from him.

He had to have been joking. He always used to do this; play games, tease, and trick me. This would often end with a bemused and embarrassed expression on my part.

Here's the part where I'd like to add that we are sitting awkwardly on opposite sides of the park bench at 10 p.m on a Wednesday night. If we get mugged right now I swear Colby's gonna get it for choosing such a sketchy spot to meet up.

I laugh almost uneasily as I try to go along with the joke so we could move on to me getting my phone back and going home where I don't have to deal with this confusion.

He is sitting hunched over with his elbows on his knees and hands clasped together. He seemed to be in deep thought as he stared off in the distance at what looks like complete darkness.

I practically flew off the park bench, "You weren't kidding? Tell me you are kidding..." I bite my lip nervously. What if he wasn't kidding?

Colby mutters under his breath, "Well, um, no. Uh, you see–" he trails off, rambling incoherently.

 "Huh?" Was all I could manage to say and it speaks for itself that I was even more confused than before.

I reluctantly sit back down at the far opposite side of the park bench yet again.

His blue eyes widen and he smiles like he is thinking of a good old childhood memory, "There's this girl..." He begins, "I've liked her for years." He looks away as his words turn bitter. "She doesn't exactly see me the same way."

I huff, "Oh I see, you need my help to make her jealous... well sucks for you. I'm not into your little games. And to think I thought you..." I shake my head before saying something unnecessary and stupid, "You know what, never mind." I add, before trudging past him angrily in the direction of my house.

Since I still don't have a car I guess I'll have to walk home.


I could demand my phone back so I could call for a ride but I'm too pissed to do so.

Wait, why am I pissed? Was I seriously hopeful that he... I'm not even going to finish that sentence as it sends uncomfortable shivers down my spine at the mere thought of it.

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