Chapter Thirteen - A Little Too Not Over You

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© Copyright Sweetdreamer747 2013, All Rights Reserved

** A/N: Hello my little dreamers? How's life? This chapter was one of the fastest ones, by far. Is it longer? Maybe... :) Anyways, you guys know I won't edit till the end so I'm not even going to go into how bad the grammar may be...don't judge pweaaasssseee. I love writing for you all and I'm so excited at all of the reads this has gotten so far! Please keep spreading the word and help me with getting the story out there :)

SCVF (share, comment, vote, fan), berries and rainbows <3


Chapter Thirteen: A little Too Not Over You

"You look like you're going to pass out again."

"I'm okay. It's just, I'm in a genuine state of shock right now." I stated, not exactly sure how I feel exactly at this point.

Her expression changed to a curious one, "You did say you weren't into him like that anymore so it really shouldn't be a big deal, right?" She queried, almost as if she was trying to fish information out of me.

She was right about one thing. Why should I care about who Ethan was dating?

"I guess I'm just shocked that he chose Kayla." I concluded.

Karsy laughed, "All boys want a whore at some point in their life."

"I guess he decided now is the perfect time." I agreed. Normally I would playfully shove her in situations like this but this time I was almost thinking the exact same thing.

"Think on the bright side, you don't have to worry about him taking you away from Colby."

This time I didn't refrain myself from hitting her shoulder, "I don't like him either."

"Oh, but he likes you." She wiggled her eyebrows playfully, probably thinking something inappropriate.

"Even if he did, which he doesn't, I don't think of him that way either so no one could 'take me away' from anyone." I pointed out, emphasizing it with air quotes.

She grinned, "Uh-huh, sure beach. You keep denying your feelings like that and you'll go cray."

"Just stick to your boy toy and stop trying to hook me up with one of my own." I teased.

Her face contorted in mock hurt, "I wouldn't call him a boy toy!" She chuckled, "If anything he is my man candy."

I put my hand up, "Ew and Ew." I laughed.

The phone then rings and Karsy answers.

"Hello?" She says in a sing song voice.

"Oh hey, yeah I'll let you know about that soon since we haven't quite figured that out yet." She mouths leigna's name over to me before continuing, "She's with me. Wasn't feeling well. Ok then, see you tomorrow."

"What did she want?" I inquired, wondering why Leigna would be calling so late. It was around 11p.m.

"She called your phone and since you didn't answer she guessed you were with me." She answered, "She was asking about the party we were planning to do on homecoming. Still on?"

"Of course it is. She called my phone? I haven't heard it ring or vibrate since I got here." I grimaced. Now worried that I may have lost it, I began frantically searching for my phone.

"You probably left it at home." She suggested.

"I guess I'll look again tomorrow but I'm positive I made sure to bring it this morning."

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