Chapter Three- Hopelessly Confused

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© Copyright Sweetdreamer747 2013, All Rights Reserved

The New Chapter: Chapter 3- Hopelessly Confused

The rest of my day were pretty uneventfull. I'm suprised I could even pay attention during my classes with my head spinning 100 miles per hour -not literally but you know what I mean.

Throughout  Trig. I couldn't even listen to a single thing the teacher was saying -not that anyone else was- All I could think about was the bell ringing for the school day to be over so I could talk to Kayla about her sudden change in friend status.

Someone taps my right shoulder from behind me and hands me a note. I didn't really pay attention to who passed it because I would have had turn completely around to see the persons face and I am just too lazy and lethargic to do such a thing right now.

I do know that whoever past it was a guy because when he handed me the note his hand touch mine and it was big and rough but soft at the same time, I dont know how to explain it but I could just tell the difference. The note read:

I bet you can't wait to get out of here judging by the look on your face..that and you keep stairing at the clock like the world will end in a few seconds. Don't be in such a hurry or else you will get behind in class Gracie ;)

p.s. Hope to see you around this weekend

I couldn't help but giggle out loud at the usage of my middle name in this note. My middle name is Grace and I don't go by that name but one particular person uses it to mess with me.



I have known him since 5th grade in Mrs. Winsleys class. One day I was just walking down the hallway with my friends and out of no where i trip on my shoelaces -which still happens a lot- and land strait on my face. As I attempt to get up with absolutely no help from my friend since they were to busy laughing, a hand reaches out to help me. It was Ethan...

He states with a smirk plastered on his face as I take his hand for support, "That was very...graceful. Are you okay?"

I shrugg, "I'm fine, thanks." He smiles at me, with some hesitation in letting go of my hand.

"I suggest you try tieing your shoelaces or else I will just have to walk behind you from now on in case you fall."

I laugh, "Then I guess you'll just have to do that." 

Reaching out his hand again, "Ethan Trace Bennett." I take his hand and hold it for a minute looking strait at him. I then realize I haven't introduced myself, just standing there mindlessly like and idiot.

"Ciara Grace Barns." I continue with the same full name introduction we both seem to have taken to.

Two corners of his mouth turn up into a half smile, "So your middle name is Grace huh?..., seems sort of ironic."

I laugh at that. Its pretty obvious I'm not the most graceful when it comes to daily tasks such as simply walking down a hallway without almost dying from a shoelace attack...

"I just go by Ciara."

I notice I'm still not letting go of his hand for some reason. I guess it just feels right for it to be there. His grip is not too soft or too rough but just right.

Giving me another smirk he says, "I think Grace suits you better. Maybe I could be the only one to call you that. No, wait...How about Gracie?!" My cheeks turn red at the thought of being called such an embarrassing nickname but, oddly enough, I don't protest. For some reason I didn't mind it and maybe it's because no one had given me a nickname before and it sort of made me feel special.

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