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6th June 2021 6:00 am,
Tik tik tik... Tik tik tik.... Tik tik tik...."Azud turn off the alarm" Aniya Shah said to AZUD in a jolly way.
tik tik tik.... "AZUD!!!" Aniya said in a cheerful voice.
"Yea yea yea, i am up, i am up" Azud replied in a sleepy voice and stopped the alarm.
" Aren't you gonna be late for your college? Uh, Azud are you even listening, get off the bed, i have prepared breakfast for you" Aniya said in a joyful way.
Azud is a 17 year old boy living with his mother Aniya Shah in GOA. Azud got an admission in Goa University for his B.M.S degree course. Today is his first day of college. Azud and his mother just shifted to Goa a few weeks back from Ooty.
Azud got up from his bed, brushed his teeth, took a shower and got dressed for college.
"Mom, where is my breakfast" Azud said in a hurry.
"I didn't make any, i just lied to wake you up" Aniya replied nonchalantly.
Azud was not surprised because this has happened before.
"You should stop lying like this" Azud said in a discontent way.
"Awe, don't be sad, i will order one of your favourite dishes for lunch"
Aniya said in a sweet way.
" Like it's gonna taste the same like Ooty's" Azud said and started smiling.

Aniya looked toward Azud and started laughing, Azud said "bye" to his mother, put his books inside his college bag, wore his shoes, took his bicycle's chain lock keys and got out of the house. Azud unlocked his bicycle and put the bicycle's chain and lock inside his bag, he sat on the bicycle and started pedaling it and goes on his way to college. Azud's college is half an hour away from his home.
Azud is riding his bicycle as fast as possible, he's hair is long and black and they're flowing in winds, He has light brown eyes and they're shining like stars, The reflection of the beach can be seen in his eyes as clear as real .
Azud reached his college gate, parked his bicycle and start running towards his college. He unlocked his phone and opened WhatsApp, clicked on his college group to check his block number. His block number is 7 and he is standing in front of block number 1. He start running towards block number 7 and in midway his left leg slipped, he was about to fall, he covered his head with is hands and he realised someone caught him, he quickly balance himself and look towards the person and said thanks.
"Your welcome, are you going towards block number 7 ?" The person asked with a small and sweet smile.
"Yea, i am on my way there, are you also in B.M.S ?" Azud asked in a carefree voice.
"Yep, B.M.S it is, let go we are already late" the person replied.
"Hey, what your name" Azud asked hesitatingly.
"Eva clason, what's yours" Eva asked with a friendly expression.
"AZUD, Azud Shah" Azud replied while laughing.
Azud and Eva reached the block number 7, both of them asked the sir " may I come in, sir". An old professor was giving an introduction to his students about the subject he is gonna
teach them. The professor said in a cheerful voice "both of you are late but since it's your first day" professor smiled and said"you may come in".
Eva sat on the first bench on the right side of the classroom and Azud was finding a place for himself and a guy on the last bench on the left side asked Azud if he want to sit with him.
Azud goes to the last bench, thanked the guy and sat there. The guy offered a handshake"John hills" Azud shook his hand "Azud". John and Azud talked hours about their hobbies, food and videogame. After college John and Azud goes to college canteen.
"Did you understand any of that, accounts" John asked in a carefree manner.
"Yes I did, because my focus was on teacher, not on girls" Azud replied in a taunting manner.
"That's bad, bro" John said with a smile.
"Why ?" Azud asked with worried expression.
"You should date a person your age, bro" John said and start laughing.
Azud also couldn't control himself and start laughing loudly.
"Hey Azud" Eva said to Azud with a smile.
Azud looked at Eva "hey, how was your first day" Azud asked in a carefree way.
Eva came near the table pulled out a chair and sat down with Azud and John
" Good, how was your day " Eva asked in a jolly tone.
"Fine" Azud replied with a smug smile.
Eva looked towards John and asked
" Hi, my name's Eva, what's yours?" Eva asked John .
"It's John hills" John replied with a small smile.
The three of them start taking to each other on different topics.

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