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The Emperor was sitting on the throne and was waiting for the nurse to come out of the Empress room, he was anxious and was tapping his foot,
In front of the Emperor there were sitting, The head of intelligence unit SHWETABH RAI, The head of Alchemist unit DAVID COELHO, The head of knight unit HUSSAR KHAN, The head of mage tower VEENA THACKER and The head of sorcerer's castle HARPREET SINGH and one seat was empty which belongs to The head of the science department APATEÓN SHAH, this six heads are known as six pillars of SHAH KINGDOM,
The nurse came in the throne room and bowed her head in front of the Emperor,"long live the Emperor, the Empress and the royal baby are both healthy and it's a boy" nurse said,
All six pillers stood up and congratulated the Emperor, The Emperor thanked the six pillers and rewarded the nurses with a thousand gold coins,
The Emperor stood up and walked towards the Empress room,
"Emperor!, Emperor!!" Apateón shouted from a distance while running towards the Emperor, Emperor's guards stopped Apateón and Apateón looked at them in anger,
"Guards", Emperor said,
The guards let Apateón pass,
Apateón bowed in respect and said," Emperor, I have come to ask a favour from you as a cousin brother, please brother save my sons and i will be your servant for the rest of my life", Apateón said,
The Emperor put his hands on Apateón's shoulders and said,"Dear brother both of your son's magical powers are dark, i would have let them live if their magical powers are similar to demon's magic but their powers resemble The Devil's magic, please understand we need to kill them as soon as possible and for your sacrifice i will give you something priceless", The Emperor said,
Apateón shook his head in acceptance and said,"i understand brother", Apateón started crying and walked away from there,
The Emperor looked at his brother and tears came out of his eyes,
He wiped his tears and resume his walk towards The Empress room,
A soldier outside the Empress room announced," The Emperor is entering the room",
Servants around her got up and took a few steps back, The Emperor entered the room and servants bowed their heads,
The Emperor looked at the Empress and smiled, the Empress Signaled the Emperor with her eyes towards the baby,
The emperor saw the baby and picked him up, A healthy and beautiful baby,
Tears came out of the Emperor's eyes,
The Empress looked at him with concern,"Something wrong, my Emperor?", the Empress asked,
The Emperor shook his head in denial,"oo my dear wife, this baby of ours is the most precious treasure i can have, thank you", The Emperor said.


Apateón reached his castle and ran towards his room,
Apateón's wife Kriya was sitting on bed and she was holding her babies,
Apateón opened the room's door,
Kriya looked at Apateón with hopefully eyes,"He cancelled the execution, right?", Kriya asked,
Apateón eyes got numb and tears dropped from his eyes,
Kriya put the babies on the bed," what should we do now", kriya said,
Apateón collected himself," run, yes we need to run from here, we will use teleportation magic", Apateón said,
"We can't use magic circles in the castle and The Emperor placed gaurds around our castle, we can't leave", Kriya said,
"We just need to step out of this castle", Apateón said in a grim tone,
Kriya nodded,

Apateón walked outside and fell down, a two guards came to help him,"sir, are you all right" guard 1 said,
"We need to get him to the hospital", guard 2 said,

They picked him up and walked towards the entrance,

They came out of the castle and Apateón quickly summoned a magic circle of electric shock on the guards and the guards fell down unconscious, Apateón Signaled Kriya with his hands,
Kriya was waiting for Apateón signal and as soon as she saw Apateón is waving his hands she ran towards him carrying the babies in her hands, she got to him and kissed him,"fast the teleportation magic circle, dear",
Apateón smiled and summoned a magic circle of teleportation and took one baby from Kriya's hands and looked at Kriya,"we gonna live a happy life together", Apateón said,
Magic circle started to glow blue,
The baby Kriya was holding exploded,
Kriya was covered with blood, baby's intestine was on her hands and she screamed and cried,
Apateón was shocked and hugged the baby in his hands and looked around and he saw a person standing far away from them and he looked closely at that person and Apateón saw his brother THE EMPEROR SHAH,
"you bastard", Apateón shouted angrily and the magic circle teleported them outside the kingdom,


"Emperor, people of our kingdom has grathers outside the castle to congratulate you", Harpreet Singh said to the Emperor,
The Emperor smiled and was happy,
The Emperor goes to his wife,"My wife, the people of our kingdom is waiting for their Prince", The Emperor said and picked up the Prince, he forwarded his hand towards her,"will you accompany me, my wife" The Emperor said and The Empress nodded and they walked towards the main entrance of the castle,
The people saw The Emperor and The Empress and all of them said together,"LONG LIVE OUR EMPEROR SHAH, LONG LIVE OUR EMPRESS SHAH",
"THANK YOU, my dear people" The Emperor said happily,
The people saw a baby in The Emperor's hands,
The Emperor saw everyone's reaction and raised the baby high,"My dear people, In my hand is the next Emperor of this kingdom he's name is AZUD!!", THE EMPEROR said with pride and honour,
Everyone put their hand on their own chest,

At the same time outside of the kingdom, Apateón yelled in anger,"I will destroy your Empire, i will kill everyone you love and i will kill that bastard what was his name ooo, i remember now what you gonna name him",

The people in front of the castle shouted his name with joy and Apateón yelled his name in anger, both the people and Apateón said his name at same time but with different intentions,





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