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January 2nd 9:00 am,
Aniya was making breakfast for Azud " Azud!, Azud!" Aniya said (happily).

Azud was laying on the washroom's floor, he was unconscious.

When no response came from Azud, Aniya goes to the 2nd floor, "Knock Knock, Azud!, Azud!!" Aniya shouted (Worried).

Azud wakes up hearing Aniya's voice, he saw himself in mirror, he's eyes were red and hair grey. he was shocked and confused.

"AZUD!!" (Worried), Aniya was shouting from outside of the door.

"Uhh, yea mom i am up"(confused) Azud said,
"Why were you not answering" Aniya asked (angrily)
"Uhh"(confused) Azud couldn't think of anything.

Azud didn't respond, Aniya was going to ask him to open the door, she was angry and suddenly something crossed her mind.

"Azud" Aniya said (calmly),
"Yes" Azud responded (confused),
"Is something changed in your body, like hair colour, your height or weight, anything?" Aniya asked (calmly).

Azud opened the door " what's happening to me"(confused) Azud asked Aniya,
Aniya hugged Azud "don't worry, i will explain everything to you but now pack your bag" Aniya said (in fear),
" Why, where are we going " Azud asked (unclear),
" I will explain to you afterwards, now pack your bags, fast!!"(fright) aniya said,
"But mom...." Azud was about say,
"Azud stop asking me all the questions, i said i will answer afterwards" Aniya shouted (angrily),
"Okay, calm down" Azud said (unclear).

Aniya didn't respond, goes to the first floor, Azud couldn't understand anything, " how can this happen?, This shouldn't have happened, if this happened to Azud then, he would have also, no, what should I do, should I call them?, i can trust them, why is this happening, WHY?" Aniya thinking.

"Ding Dong, Dingggg Donggggg" The doorbell rang.

"Yes, wait a minute, i am coming" Azud said(hurriedly), Azud looked for Aniya but couldn't find her,

"Ding Dong" the doorbell rang again,

"Yes, i heard it, coming" Azud shouted (frustrated),

Azud opened the door and saw a man,
"Yes, what's your business here" Azud asked(hurriedly),
"I am here to meet Azud" the man replied (calmly),
"Azud grabbed the door and was ready to shut it, "how do you know Azud" Azud asked (scared),
"I am his teacher, can i come in" man replied (calmly),
"No, i mean.... we are cleaning the house, what subject do you teach?" Azud asked (scared),
" I teach advertisement subject in B.M.S" man said (calmly),

"Azud, who's at the door" Aniya shouted (hurriedly) and was walking towards Azud,

"So you are Azud, i didn't recognise you, did you changed your hair colour" the man said (smiling),

Azud got scared, Azud was trying to think of some excuse, Aniya was approaching towards Azud " what's happening here, Azud" Aniya asked Azud (hurriedly),
The man saw Aniya, he kicked Azud but Azud didn't even move an inch, Azud didn't understand, the man was shocked and pulled out a gun, Azud shouted "RUN MOM, HIDE", the man pointed his gun towards Azud, yelled at Azud "get down on your knees",

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