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5th April 2024, 4:45 am,

Knight fell in the jungle, he didn't take any damage because of the magical shield he created using the magic circle,
He stood up straight and waited for Ansaldo to come,
Ansaldo found Knight and rushed towards him at full speed,
Electricity was surging through Ansaldo's body,
Ansaldo cast a magic circle of thousand volts on his right fist and magic circle of explosion on his left,
Knight saw Ansaldo cast magic circles on himself and Knight took a deep breath and calmly waited for Ansaldo to make a first move,
Ansaldo reached near Knight and attacked him with a right punch,
Knight easily dodged Ansaldo right fist, Ansaldo smug and attacked Knight with his left fist,
Knight grabbed Ansaldo's left hand and grabbed Ansaldo's right shoulder and Knight headbutted Ansaldo across the face, Ansaldo lost his consciousness for a sec,
Knight used this opportunity and cast a magic circle of gravity push punch on his right fist and punched Ansaldo in the chest,
By the impact of the gravity magic Ansaldo falls far from Knight,
Ansaldo got on his knees and coughed blood,
Knight used the magic circle of strength on his feet and jumped towards Ansaldo,
Ansaldo tries to get up," only if somehow I can destroy the magic circle that suppressed my sorcery powers, that damn man" Ansaldo was thinking and suddenly he felt Knight's presence in air,
Ansaldo looked up and saw Knight,
Knight found Ansaldo and cast a magic circle of gravity press on himself and fall towards Ansaldo,
Ansaldo jumped and quickly stabilized himself and summoned a magic circle of lightning wave and electricity flows from the centre of his chest to his hand and he pointed his palms towards Knight and a magic circle formed in both of his palms front and a wave of lightning flow towards Knight,
Knight saw the lightning waves coming towards him and he summoned a magic circle of earth spikes, the combat suit released an energy that flows from the points of his fingers to the centre of his palms and magic circle formed in front of his palms, Knight put his hand on the ground and many huge spikes came out of the ground, the spikes act as an shield and in the time as an strong attack,
Ansaldo jumped backwards and fell on the ground to dodge the spikes and suddenly a memory struck his mind and Ansaldo saw Azud in front of him in black long cloak, red eyes and grey hair and Azud was looking down on Ansaldo and Azud said,"you can't always fall on the ground to defend yourself from earth spikes magic", he closed his eyes and shook his head and opened his eyes and saw Knight's fist in front of his eyes and Knight's right punch hit Ansaldo and Ansaldo saw another memory of him and Azud together fight against an army and then Ansaldo hear Azud voice saying "FORTISSIMUM", after hearing that in his mind, Ansaldo caught Knight left hand and kicked Knight's right leg joint with his right leg and punched Knight with his left hand, Knight fell a bit far from Ansaldo,
Ansaldo destroyed Knight's sorcery suppression magic circle, Knight saw Ansaldo destroying his magic circle,
Knight got up and rushed towards Ansaldo and then he felt a strong pressure in his surroundings and there's a heaviness in the air,
Knight stopped and Ansaldo also stopped,

Knight was in combat ready position and asked Ansaldo," what kind of magic was that",
Ansaldo started recovering his wounds and replied,"that was sorcery skills, dense and heavy air, don't worry i am now free from apateón's control",
"Knight do you copy", Knight heard Hellborn's voice from his combat suit's collar,
Knight looked at Ansaldo with suspicion,
Ansaldo realised Knight is suspicious of his motives,
"Knight!, Knight!!?", Knight again heard Hellborn's voice,
Ansaldo opened his hands wide "I have gained my memories back, just like Azud but if you don't trust me then kill me with your next move",
After hearing that from Ansaldo Knight quickly got in attack position and summoned a magic circle of earth spikes, combat suit released an energy from his fingers to the centre of his palms and create a magic circle in front of his both hands, Knight looked at Ansaldo and Ansaldo was calmly standing in front of him, Knight puts both of his hand on the ground and one huge spike came out of ground towards Ansaldo and the spike stopped, spike top point almost reached Ansaldo eyes and Ansaldo didn't move an inch,
Knight got up and dismissed his magic circle and earth spike crumble into the ground,
"Copy, Hellborn", Knight communicates through his magical enhanced combat suit,
"We are dead meat here, what's your status?" Hellborn asked Knight,
"COMING" Knight said in a grim voice,
Ansaldo slightly moved his head, "I can help" Ansaldo said to Knight,
Knight thought for a second and said,"Why",
Ansaldo smiled like a maniac," APATEÓN, i will burn him to ashes",
Knight waited for a second and shook his head in acceptance and summoned a magic circle of teleportation, The combat suit released an energy from his waist to his toes and a magic circle was created on the ground,
Knight raised his hand towards Ansaldo to teleport Ansaldo with him, Ansaldo shook his head in denial and an magical energy covered Ansaldo's body and Ansaldo chanted,"teleport", and Ansaldo teleported himself and Knight was shocked by seeing Ansaldo's sorcery powers and Knight teleported himself.
Knight teleported himself inside Ashish's residence which is now completely destroyed and Ansaldo teleported himself at the main entrance of the house,
Knight looked at Ansaldo with a bit of suspicion and ran towards Ansaldo to check on Ansaldo,"what's the matter?, Basement door is that way", Knight said,
Ansaldo looked towards the ground, "Apateón is right beneath this ground, take a few steps back", Ansaldo replied,
Ansaldo took a deep breath and circulated the magic power in the body, Ansaldo got on his knees and put both of his hands on the ground,
From Ansaldo hands a layer of brown light covered the ground in front of Ansaldo,
Ansaldo got up and chanted,"EARTH SPLIT", and moved his hands slowly on opposite directions and the ground started to Shake and rumble, Ansaldo didn't stop and continued to move his hands and a crevices revealed in the ground and crevices extended in to the ground and reached the ceiling of the lab,
Ansaldo unleashed his magical powers and at once he moved his hands in opposite directions and the ground split opened like rift and the brown magical layer flow inside the Rift, the magical layer touch the lab's ceiling and Ansaldo point his hand towards the ceiling and shouted, "ground ceiling split", and the ceiling splitted, Ansaldo saw the golden magic on the splitted ceiling's inside,"that's why it didn't split with the ground", Ansaldo think in his mind,
Ansaldo saw Ashish and jumped towards Ashish, Ashish created a shield and Ansaldo concentrated in magic power on his fist and punched the shield with full force, Ansaldo broke the shield and by the impact of the punch Ashish fell down and Ansaldo landed on his feet,
Ansaldo looked at Ashish and saw a demon magic circle beneath him,
Ansaldo looked at Ashish with killing intent his eyes and his hands itching to grab Ashish's neck,"I will kill you, I FORTISSIMUM WILL KILL YOU"
Knight also jumped from the ground and landed in the lab and saw Alchemist, Hellborn, Eshiya and Azud are standing in another lab, Knight ran towards them and got near them,
None of them said a word, Knight put his hands on Alchemist's and Hellborn's shoulder,"We will avenge them", Knight looked at Eshiya and she shook her head,
Azud put his hand on Knight's shoulder,"fight's not over yet",
Knight nodded and clear his throat,"Azud and Ansaldo will fight Ashish inside the lab, Eshiya and I will support them and we will also be inside the lab, Hellborn and Alchemist will fire at Ashish whenever anyone of you saw an opening, understood", Knight said and everyone nodded and took their positions,
When Knight was explaining the plan to everyone in other lab,
Ansaldo rushed towards Ashish,
Ashish stood up and raised his hand towards Fortissimum, Fortissimum's legs got inside the floor and got stuck like it was a quicksand,
Ashish smiled and summoned twenty arrows,
Fortissimum was shocked and couldn't understand how Ashish is doing this,
Ashish sent arrows towards Fortissimum and Fortissimum gathered his magical powers on the tips of his fingers and pointed them towards the arrows approaching him and chanted,"AIR DEFENCE", and the arrow's direction changed and some arrows fell on his right side and some on his left,
Ashish knew how Fortissimum will react and summoned a sword and sent it towards Fortissimum,
Fortissimum saw the sword but couldn't gather his magical energy in time,
"MAGIC CIRCLE BLAZING FIRE", AZUD used the magic circle of Blazing fire and a heat flow from Azud's hands into his palms and the heat converted into fire and created a magic circle in front of his palms and from his right hand circle fire erupted and flowed towards sword, sword could not withstand the fire and melted and Azud raised his left hand and the magic circle on his left hand palm erupted and flowed towards Ashish,
Ashish couldn't divert or nullify Azud's attack, Ashish created a shield to stop the fire from reaching him,
Ansaldo concentrated his magical powers in to his feet and broke the ground and free himself,
Azud Signaled Knight with his right hand,
"FORTISSIMUM" Azud said and looked at Fortissimum with a hope of hearing the right word,
"Brother AZ" Fortissimum replied in a quiet and respectful tone,
Azud smiled in happiness,"let's finish him and then we will catch up later",
Fortissimum nodded and raised his hands towards Ashish and summoned a magic circle of gravity press, a purple sand like substance flow from Fortissimum palms into the air and purple sand gathered above Ashish and become a magic circle, the magic circle of gravity press increased the gravitational force around Ashish,
Ashish extended his shield to counter gravity magic but the shield became weak, it can not stop Azud blazing fire magic anylonger and the heat from Blazing fire start burning Ashish right hand and gravity magic start breaking the shield from above,
Ashish was in desperate need of help but couldn't find any, he was angry and wanted to kill everyone and suddenly spikes came out from beneath the floor and spikes penetrate through his body, Ashish couldn't understand what went wrong,
"The earth spikes hit him" Knight shouted,
Azud saw an opportunity and activated another magic circle of Blazing fire on the right hand and pointed it towards Ashish and the Blazing fire flow towards Ashish and hit the shield and completely destroyed the shield,
Ashish laughed like a maniac and shouted "RELEASED, HAHAHAHAHA",
Ashish's bones were crushed by gravity magic and he yelled in pain,"HAAAAAA, AAHAAAA",
Ashish's body was slowly burning by blazing fire magic, Ashish started to absorb the magic from demon magic circle beneath him,
Azud saw Ashish absorbing demon magic and shouted,"everyone take cover",
Azud and Fortissimum stopped their magic circle and cast a magic on themselves,
Azud cast a defensive spell on himself,"SHIELD" AZUD chanted and magical energy released from Azud's body and the magical energy covered Azud's whole body like transparent armour,
Fortissimum also cast,"SHIELD", defensive spell on himself,

Eshiya summoned a magic circle of shield on herself, Hellborn and Alchemist,

Knight also used the magic circle of shield,

Ashish didn't stop consuming energy from demon magic circle and the demon magic circle started to fade away,

Azud understood Ashish's intentions and shouted,"TELEPORT!!",

Ashish's body started to grow bigger and he fully consumed the demon magic,"HAAHAHAHA, DIE" Ashish laughed and said, blood started to come out from Ashish's eyes, he was unable to speak nor was he able to move and then he busted like a bomb, the impact was so great that it caused an earthquake in Odisha,
Azud and Knight teleported themselves to Goa and Fortissimum teleported himself to Kolkata,

Knight got on his knees and start crying, Azud saw him and got worried,"hey Knight everything's fine right, mom teleported to a save place, right?" Azud asked,
Knight couldn't control his emotions, he punched himself,"I saw them....i saw....themm, Eshiy....,'Knight took a deep breath', i casted a magic circle on myself and looked back at team and Eshiya was not able use magic, i tried to help but this damn circle teleported me" Knight replied,
Azud sat on the ground and he was unable to react and Azud felt Fortissimum magic is decreasing, Azud quickly teleported himself to Fortissimum's location,
Azud teleported to Kolkata on the top of a building in the market, Azud saw Fortissimum and ran towards him,"Fortis are you okay, why's your magical energy decreasing....,' Azud got near Fortissimum and saw Fortissimum's half body is burned,'Fortis please don't", Azud said and tried to heal him,
"It's a demon's poison, it can't be healed and that damn idiot apateón released that poison in the air and it's gonna cover the earth soon, not even your magical powers can contain it brother AZ", Fortissimum said slowly,
Fortissimum put his hand on Azud's shoulder and teleported Azud and died,
Azud was teleported to the moon, he felt an energy, a pure but at the same time dark energy,"what is it you wanna show me Fortis", Azud think and search for the source of the energy, on the dark side of the moon Azud found a magic circle covering half of the moon's dark side,"is it the magic circle apateón created to reverse time and erase magic" Azud thought and touched the magic circle, he felt strong and multiple types of magic in it, Azud then saw earth covered with the poison Ashish released and looked at the magic circle, Azud got in the centre of the magic circle, he raised his hand,


The magic circle started to glow, Azud bowed his head and said,"Thank you God of magic",

Azud circulated his magical powers in his body and got down on his knees and put his hand on the magic circle,
Azud moved both of his hands in circular motion and the magic circle started to rotate and stopped,
Azud also stopped and got up, he was trying to understand if it worked or not,
The magic circle released an energy covering the whole universe like a tsunami and everything around Azud started to change and time was flowing backwards,
All the planets started to rotate backwards,
The moon Azud was standing on also started to move backwards,
"Isn't this beautiful, Azud?" The God Of Magic asked Azud,
Azud bowed his head,"It's an honour to meet you and yes, it's beautiful", Azud replied and his body started to become dust,"I wish I could remember this after i reborn",
GOD smiled,"how do you think that the human you called your mother in this life remember everything", God said,
Azud shook his head in denial and replied,"i don't know",
more than half of Azud's body was converted into sand,
"Anyone who stands in this circle remember his or her previous life" God said,
"What about the price", Azud asked,
"When those humans changed the magical world to an non magical, they erased somthing and a spot was empty so the virus came to existence but now you're giving the magic back to the universe, so the virus will be erased and magic will fill it's spot" God replied,
Azud smiled and bowed his head in respect of the God and vanished,

"He bowed his head in your respect, suprising, Azud, he has changed", GOD OF LIGHTNING SAID,

"We need to tell him to change his spell,COMMAND us GODS", GOD OF PROTECTION SAID,

"hahahahaha, you are right we will one day but for now the universe is changing and we need to stabilize it" GOD OF POWER SAID,

GODS leaves to fulfill their duties.


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