Second to Third

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Every single day is a heartache,

I'm not sure how much pain I can take.

The though of losing you is terrible,

so I told myself the idea was bearable.

But I feel like I've lost you anyways,

our love is lost in a maze.

I love you and want you by my side,

when you said it back, I felt like you lied.

This whole time. I've been number two,

now I feel like I'm third, what's there to do?

It feels like I can't compete,

on this flight, you've changed my seat.

At first, I was first class, flying fast,

now I'm on the wing, how long will I last?

I fell for you and I fell hard,

but now I feel you've shown your cards.

I feel lost, may be a trick of the eye,

but I'm so scared that I'm right, I'm going to cry.

I feel like you've left me already, but you've said,

that night on the bed,

if it wasn't for me, you would rather be dead.

Poems of a Breaking HeartWhere stories live. Discover now