The Present is a Present

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As he sat down quickly clearing his optics as a soft light spilled out for an other room. He slowly walked into the room where a large green mech sat upon a pile of wrapped presents. "Come in and know me better mech." The mech said a cheerful voice slowly coming down. "And who are you?" Megatron asked as he stepped back a bit. "Who am I? Why I am the Ghost of Christmas Present!" The spirit exclaimed, "Ever notice how everything is wonderful during Christmas?" 

"In all honesty, no spirit. Perhaps I've never understood the true meaning of Christmas." Megaton replied humbly. "Well, when we're done you will understand!" The spirit chuckled, "Here allow me to welcome you to Christmas morning." They soon faded from the room to out on the city streets where fresh snow had covered the ground and everyone was walking happily. Street choirs were singing joyfully, families were sitting near warm fires, people were giving to the poor and homeless without any hesitation. 

"You see Christmas is about caring for the better of others." The spirit explained. "I understand, I wish to see friends, kin. Show me family." Megatron said simply as he looked from the streets back to the spirit. 

And with a simple snap of the spirits digits they appeared in his nephew's house. "Well, we've opened the presents and sang the carols, what now?" Breakdown asked. 

"Why, it's my dear nephew, Breakdown and his sparkmate, Knockout. Along with some of there friends." Megatron recalled. "How about a game?" Moonracer suggested. "Yes, we must have a game at Christmas." Wheeljack stated in agreement. "Do people play games at Christmas, spirit?" Megatron asked. "Why, of course, I love games!" The spirit replied with a smile.

"How about yes and no?" Wheeljack suggested. "Yes that's a wonderful game! Let Breakdown start he always thinks of good ones." Knockout stated. "I do have a good one. Guess." Breakdown smiled as he stood up in front of everyone. "Is it a vegetable?" Moonracer asked. "No." "Is it found on a farm?" Knockout said. "Never." "Is found in the city?" Wheeljack questioned. "Usually."

"Is it a dog?" Wheeljack asked again. "No." "A cat?" Megatron asked being followed by Knockout whom also said "A cat?" "I said it first." Megatron said pointing to himself. "Nope." Breakdown smirked. "Hold on, is this an unwanted creature?" Knockout asked. "Most of the time." 

"A cockroach?" Moonracer added. "Too good." "A rat!" Wheeljack said confidently, "Oh too wonderful." "Hold on, an unwanted creature but not a rat or a cockroach?" Knockout asked, "Why it's Megatron!" "Yes!" Breakdown said with a smile as the room erupted with laughter. 

"Come we have more to see." The spirit said slowly leading Megatron away. Leading him to a house on a small street. 

"Why did you bring me here, spirit?" Megatron asked looking at the house. "Why, it's Christmas here too, you know. In fact, this is the house of your clerk, Starscream." The spirit said pointing to the house. "Who is that?" Megatron asked as he looked through the window and spotted a blue femme. "Arcee, Starscream's sparkmate. Along with three of their sparklings; Slipstream, Thundercracker and Deltastar." The spirit replied looking through as well. 

But then who should appear walking down the street, Starscream and Tiny Blades. As they walked into their house everyone soon rushed to the door happily, "Sire! Tiny Blades!" They chirped happily. "Come on now. Give your sire some room." Arcee said with a smile.

"How was he?" She asked in a soft voice looking over to the frail child. "As good as gold and better." 

"Tell me, spirit, will the mech live?" Megatron asked, watching the family soon fade into the darkness. "Spirit?" He called having no reply. Turning to see the spirit it gone and him in pitch black.

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