Act 1 What The Juice is all that hub ub!

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Hello true Beilevers I have come with a new fanstory . Its a remake to my first successful fanfiction The Ninja Who Saved Me. So enjoy this honkin tale Our Royal Highness Arrives with Howard Weinerman as our narrator.

Disclaimer: I dont own RCNGN characters, just the OCs.

Howard: Greetings Fellow Shoobies heres a wonderful tale about a ninja, a beautiful girl and a big event...SO HUSH UP AND LISTEN! Our story starts at Cunningham's House where I come over and tell him about the BIG day.

*Rings Doorbell* Oh good morning Howard, are you ready for the big day?

"You bet I am Ms. C!, Is Randy up yet"?

"Not yet, but fill free to wake him up"

Howard: I went up to Cunningham's room, climbed up his bed and displayed the most simplest method to wake Cunningham up.


*falls off bed screaming* HOWARD WHAT THE JUICE ARE YOU DOING HERE!

"Dont you know what day it is Cunningham"!


"THAT, and today's a special day for McFist, in fact the whole town"!

"Ok one Hannibal McFist is my arch enemy, and two what do you mean by a special day?"

"Today is Welcome Highness Day"!

"Welcome Highness Day?, what kind of event is that"?

"Its when we celebrate the day McFist daughter returns to Norrisville AFTER 14 YEARS OF HER DISAPPEARENCE!"

"Ok how can McFist have a daughter, and even if he did, how come he never mentioned her once"

"Uh Duh he he barely mentions anything"!

"I have a feeling all this is just a big scheme"!

"How is this a scheme, when its a real event"!

"He's just doing this as an excuse, but the ninja is gonna uncover it"!

Howard: Shoobingham suited up and went into town, not listening to reason. Now lets hear from Kittie's side of the story.

"Kittie are you ready for your new life as a Norrisville Citizen?"

"Darn Tootin' I am, Im so excited".

"Im gonna miss you cuz, you've been here since you were 18 months old and here you are today".

"Jack you realize I can come back on the weekends, I have a Ninchantiss Key".

"True, but it wont be the same without you, including you Schotti".

"Jack you know I have to go with Kittie, in case she needs more Ninja Knowledge".

"Isnt that what Mimi is for".

"For the sixth time Kittie, your Aunt Staci is gonna mail her to you."

"Speaking of Ninja Knowlege, I have a special quest for you Kittie, in case you get bored of your special day."

"What is it Aunt Staci"?

"Since you know all about the past male ninjas, I want you to know about the current one on your own".

*gasp* The current ninja, but wait the current Ninja is Jack he's my cousin and your son.

"No Sweetie I meant the current Ninja of Norrisville".

"Oh...Norrisville has a ninja"

"Yes Kittie Im gonna make sure you have friendly contact with him".

"Friendly Contact?, wow you guys really want me to meet him, but im not sure if he'll like me, or even like the ninja part of me."

"Princess, I guarantee The Ninja will like you and everyone in town will like you too."

"You really think so Schotti?".

"I know so, now come on Norrisville's waiting for their returning angel".

"Angel? I thought your talking about me."

Howard: This concludes the first Act of this cheese of a tale, but stay tuned for more Shoob Action and Eye Candy.

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