Act 2 let the searching begin!

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Howard: So our hero and heroine start their quest of STUPIDNESS and worries. So lets continue our tale with Dollianne.

"Oh Schotti I still dont know if the Ninja would like me, maybe I should avoid him".

"Kittie dont worry it will be fine, like I said the ninja likes everybody".

"Oh I just dont kn...woah! such a big banner for a town."

"Oh I forgot to tell you, your parents thought it would be nice if the whole town know you were coming."

"Oh thats really nice of them!, I cant wait to meet them

Howard: Then suddenly out of the blue, Robo Apes cornered Schotti and Dollianne.

"Woah!, Robot Apes!

"Your father also has an assistant who builds robots for him, I think he goes by the name Viceroy"?.

"Come princess, your public awaits".

"My public? you mean people right"?

Howard: The Robo Apes happily carried the two though the town. All people of Norrisville cheered for Dollianne's arrival. All but The Ninja who was snooping around The McFist building...CAN THAT SHOOB LISTEN TO REASON!

"I still dont get why do I have to come with you!"

"Howard, what are the odds of McFist having a daughter anyway, If she was real, which she isnt I should know."

"How many times do I have to tell you...MCFIST DAUGHTER IS REAL!

"NO SHE ISNT!, Its all just a big scheme and he's using the word daughter to cover it up!

Howard: Then all of a sudden we hear McFist and Viceroy talking, so Cunningham and I have to lay low and easetroph.

"Oh Viceroy this is becoming the best day of my life"!

"I thought gettin' your reward from The Sorcerer was going to be the best day of your life."

"No thats #2, today is my #1 favorite, I finally get to meet my little girl after 14 years.

"I finally get to meet her too sir, by the way where has she been all this time."

"Oh she was attending a charm school in Sweden, at least thats what Marci told me."

*Back to Howard* Ha! told you she was real!

"Howard enough! He just happens to save this scheme for 14 years for a special occasion...which is today".

"Ok im just gonna dodge all this, and go outside to see the real deal!" *walks away*

"She's doesnt exist im telling you"!

"Believe the juice you want,soon you'll realize your wrong"

Howard: Since stubborn Cunningham wont listen to reason, lets go back to Dollianne (just so you know, Kittie's real name is Dollianne)

"Alright Kittie Mimi sent me a message saying your stuff is in your room, along with your extra Ninja weapons."

"Wow how did they get there so fast?"

"We used a teleportation portal".

"Oh is that where I live?"

"Not necessaraly,this is your dad's company building".

"Woah its a circle!"

"A triangle Kittie, a triangle...Hey whose that kid?"

Howard: I was on my way to see the princess, but instead I ran into her.

"Oh my cheese, are you the princess"!?

"Do you look good in that shirt, yes its me.!

"I cant believe your here welcome to Norrisville!"

"Thank you oh whats your name Sugah?"

"Oh allow me to introduce myself Im Howard Weinerman, your dad bought my dad's company, so now were practically family".

"*Squeels* were practically cousins, you wanna come along with me and my cat Schotti"?!

"Do I, so your Schotti nice name for a cat."

"Thanks, your pretty nice yourself".

Howard: This concludes Act 2 of our awesome tale so stay tuned for more.

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