Act 3 Times Watches on

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Howard: Here's act 3, and to start out this, were going back to Cunningham.

"I never knew Howard can be such a wonk, cant he see that McFist is up to something big".


"Nomicon you beileve me, Do you think McFist has a daughter? or he's plotting to kill me as always *shloomps in*

"Things arent as always as their described". "So you do believe me , Mcfist does have scheme to kill the Ninja.

Howard: As ridiculous as this moment gets, The Nomicon kicks Cunningham out so he can REALLY learn the lesson. Then some Chainsaw Werewolves spotted him.

"Its the Ninja!, He'll ruin the big day, SEIZE HIM!

"Ha! I knew their was a scheme, and Im here to crash it before it even starts!"

Howard: While The Ninja is shoobing up a storm, lets get back to Dollianne.

"Wow this place is huge...and green".

*Bash and Marci come in*

"Dollianne! My baby! you're here!

"Hi mamma!, ooh and whose this giant wad of eye candy!"

"Oh this is your big brother Bash, say hello Bashford".

"Your my sister?, woah your hot enough to be my girl, if you know what I mean".

"Your still single are you Bash".

*sad look* Yeah, welcome home sis". *walks away*

"Well I made some welcome home cookies in the kitchen, Ill go tell your father your here."

"Huh, who knew you look like your mom".

"I know Howard, its in the looks".

"You mean genes".

"That too, now lets go for those cookies".

Howard: Since we took a break from The Ninja, lets get back to his side of the story.

"Whew, I trash 45 Chainswaw Werewolves in under 30 minutes,now on to that scheme."

*Marci coming in the room* Oh Hanny our little girl is here. And shes already made a new friend.

"If its that Weinerman boy he might make a good husband for her."

*Back to Ninja* He's going after Howard next! I gotta stop this.

*to Viceroy* Sir your daughter is 14 years old, shes too young to get married".

"If you must know Viceroy , some states allow young marriges".

"Yes, but here isnt one of them."

"Anyway...wheres our little Sugar Face?"



"Im here to stop your big scheme, before it even happens"

"What scheme!? There is no scheme!"

"Dont you lie to me, you have something big planned around here, and im gonna stop it."



Howard: The heat is going up between McFist and The Ninja, so we hope Dollianne comes to cool it off.

*In the Kitchen*

"Howard can I ask you somethin".

*Getting milk from the fridge* "Shoot."

"Do you know The Ninja"?

"Know him?!, Kittie he's my best friend

"See Kittie, he's best friends with Howard, that proves he's very friendly"!

"Well Schotti, today he's not so friendly, in fact he's a big jerktastic shoob.!

"What?!, how can that be!

"Oh, He thinks Kittie isnt real, and ive been telling him she is."

"Wait!...he thinks im not real."

"Oh Kittie, dont take this the wrong way but..."

"No! I cant do this anymore, im dodging this im going back to Ninchantiss."

"Kittie wait!"

"Yeah come back Kittie, sometimes he's a nice wab"

"Kittie please"!

Howard: This concludes Act 3 of this tale, The Ninja thinks McFist is a liar and Kittie thinks The Ninja is well...a jerktastic shoob. Stay hyped for act 4.

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