Case Closed..?

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I cautiously made my way to the dock, unsure of what I'd even find at all. What if Vain is still alive? No, that's very unlikely. It's been about 7 months since he went missing. But then again, why didn't I search for him at the time he went missing?The dock felt empty, since of how little people visited it. I doubt people visit this place at all now. It's a low chance I'll be killed here, but it's never zero. For a dock that seemed small, the lake was quite big, and who knows how deep. Everything was silent, as if I was the last person alive.

I looked all around the bridge, to no avail of finding Vain. I felt more uneasy the more there was no trace of Vain. As if something was watching me. I wanted to leave, but I didn't. I had to find him.

      I stared at the deep, cold water. I knew it's probably deeper than I could see as of now. There's no way I'd be down in pure darkness looking for Vain while I slowly suffocate or something kills me. Sire had said there was a sort of creature in the waters which might've killed Vain. I doubt it's real anyway. Vain couldn't have just,, disappeared or got taken out of thin air.. right..? The more I thought of what could've happened to Vain, the more disturbed I felt of what I'd really find. If I could find anything.

      I went back to the bridge, staring out at the water. Damn the water was really reflective enough to show how stupid I look at a dock looking around for someone that could not even be here. I stayed away from the edge of the bridge, not wanting to fall or anything. At this point I looked around the entire dock, and went to tell Sire the news of me being unable to find Vain.


      "So did you find Vain?" I shook my head. I stared at a missing poster of Vain. He's been missing for 7 months already.. I stared at the date he went missing. July 23rd. Me and Sire were at the dock that day. An idea sparked into my head. I looked over to Sire. "Sire. Meet me at the dock." Sire nodded, as I quickly made a slight sprint for the dock, stopping when I reached the bridge. Waiting for Sire.

After about a few minutes of what felt like days, Sire arrived.
"So what are we gonna even do now? Didn't you already look around the dock?" I nodded, staring out at the water. "It's probably really risky due to those creatures you mentioned that I still doubt exist, but we have no other choice since I already checked the dock." Sire gave me the fathers glare (even if I don't know my parents). "Those creatures are real! They probably killed Vain and we'll be next on their hit list if we even get close enough to the water, and there's NO way I wanna be torn apart as I drown to death." I was about to stop Sire from leaving, but screw it. I can find Vain on my own.

      I went back to the lake closer to the bridge, peering into the water, trying to see if anything looked well, like Vain, mostly having no success. And that was until I noticed some torn fabric. Vain's suit was torn up mostly. Was Sire right about being torn apart while drowning..? Vain— well, Vain's most likely corpse (which I don't wanna look at) must be around here.

      I continued to search until the scent of a rotting corpse hit me. No.

      I kept my head hung low when the smell of a rotting corpse got stronger, I had my suit color over half of my face (like covering your nose kinda) so I didn't feel sicker than I already am of both the thoughts and what I'd come across. I kept my eyes on the water, knowing damn well what I'd find.

      I stopped when the reek of the rotting corpse was at its peak, along with a slight trail of yellow blood. All I could see in the water was a brutally torn to shreds corpse with that white camouflage suit. Not smiling like normal, lifeless and terrified. The eyepiece was completely torn off as well. I couldn't see the rest of his body either. Torn in half as well.".? I couldn't imagine the pain he went through. Vain Hawk was dead. And I found him.

      I stared in distress, soon shutting my eyes tightly, not wanting to look as that mangled mess that was my friend. Before I could look at the grotesque sight again, I quickly made a run away from the dock. Not ever wanting to return there again.

      I guess that means the case is closed.

      "I'm sorry I couldn't save you, Vain." I stared down at the ground, knowing I'll never see that confident face of him ever again.


Guess who was trying not to cry writing this? Me! and Vain was based on me but poor Zy

but at least the chapters finally done

everyone can we get a RIP Vain H.
if not that's fine

rest in pain Vain, Zy was too emo to notice you dying

The Ones You Fear. (DISCONTINUED.)Where stories live. Discover now