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"Wait, you look familiar" the cute guy who is now only wearing a Northridge Football shirt but is also the delivery guy, who I saw a few hours ago. I got to admit, he's actually hotter than Joey, I mean.. what.

"Uhm i might have seen you dropping off pizza at my house, Was that you? Cause if yes, pizza is life"

Avoiding eye contact was not the best choice cause he grabs my chin and makes me look at his dark brown eyes.

"You're close, very close to me, I don't think that's a good idea" I began to state since he doesn't know I kickbox.

"Ha awks, and it may have been me hehe my bad but I'll see ya around"

As he steps outside i take a long look at his butt, what? Girls like booty too.

"Hmm who was that?" Genisis startles me.

"He's hot, don't you think he's hot"

She gives me a look an are-you-serious kinda look.

"I'm not into that type" she says as she sips on her fruit punch.

This party is really sucky, where is the poetry slam? The dance battles? The singing battles?

Now a days 16 year olds say "let's party hard" and the beat drops.

The only good thing was the brownies until I found out it had drugs in it. I spit it out, good flavor and all but it's a no, no.
I tap on Melissa's shoulder. "By any chance do ya'll have brownies that don't get me stoned?"

"No honey, we are here to party!"

Hm i thought she was smarter than that, wait is she high? Oh my god.

Her eyes are as red as her nails, what even.

She's giving me a not so nice stare, I step out before she goes off on me, I don't wanna cause a fight, even though I'll probably win.

This is it for me, so I take my car and leave.

Pssh just kidding, what car? I'm still 16 and not driving.

Everyone is icky and sweaty, I needa find Jake before someone hits on me. Wait, who am I kidding.. that kind of stuff never happens.

For about 10 mins i ask everyone in the place if they know Jake. "Has someone seen Jake?"

"He's tall, kind of buffy, no? Oh okay"

"He looks like a typical nerd, haven't seen him, no? oh okay"

"2010 justin Bieber hair, with blue eyes"

"Anyone seen Jake!!" I scream at the top of my lungs in the living room. All I get is people telling me to shut up.

Great. Guess I'll walk home.


Im gonna have to go way back

When i say way back i mean, freshman year which sadly was last year..

I had recently joined Debate Club, which as ya'll know I'm pretty debatable.


The final bell had finally rung and I happily made my way to a club. Not a dancing club but Debate Club, when I spot a short blue haired girl, but hey what a coincidence, I like blue.

I walk in and sit down next to her, when I like someone I usually talk to them with no shyness in the air.

"Hello there, is this Debate Club?" I happily say.

"Uhm yeah, and if you don't want to get crushed in here, you needa step up your game" she said with a sassy tone.

Hold up, Hold up.. does she know who she's talking to, let's see I'll introduce myself to her, hm.

"Well I see you have sassyness in your hands, my name is Erika Brooks" I push my chin up waiting for her response.

"As if i care, listen here really closely.. don't ever try to speak to me again"

She gave those eyes, ooh those eyes of discomfort and anger.
Did I stop talking to her? Nope I did not.

I'm already sitting next to her so why the heck not. "So what's your name again?"

"Hey you with the glasses, and flowered skirt"

I turn around to see who was talking to me as the description fit.

"Oh me? You talking to me?"

As soon as I turn around there sat the most hottest person I've ever seen.

"Woah" my thoughts somehow manage to slip out of my mouth.

His eyes, oooh his eyes. They sparkled so beautifully.

"I think you might be lost kid" said the guy who I will find out his name sooner or later.

"Is this not Debate Club? If not I gotta go.." I get up and soon realize I just made a dumb move "Uhm well actually what's your name?"

"I don't think this place is right for you... and as my name you say? It's Jacob Francesco he gives a warm smile and those sparking eyes, ooh those eyes.

"You don't thinks so? I'll show you i belong here, beliebe that!"

Since then I failed again and again on beating that guy but to be true with that I had a small crush on him and always wanted him to win.

Cause his happiness means more than mine but when you start seeing that those sparkling eyes are no longer there is when you start thinking, what if it was never meant to be.

Through out my freshman year I also met Joey.. dam it! That Joey.. Aka Mr.Ken

I'm not a big fan of Joey but he managed to become friends with big brother. Which gives me a chance to find his weaknesses up in the study.

That kid always, I repeat always wanted to beat me at everything! And I was always Coo with it cause hey what the heck! I'm pretty smart.

And well Jake seemed to consequently save me from disasters. He knows me very well and my next moves.. its.. weird.

Still love him though.

And what can I say about my brother Jessie.. don't be fooled people he's actually pretty sweet.

Don't be fooled by that evil smile, he's actually nice.

I repeat, don't be fooled by that snickering laugh cause he's actually not a bad guy.


"Where in the world were you at Jake?" I start to say.

Jake found me by diving through all those dancing people and landing on his face.

"I was playing ping pong in the basement, you should of joined" he goofed.

I can smell the alcohol on his mouth and he is drunk, great.

He was only a few inches away from my face.

"Just stay about 4 feet away from me.. you see all this space? This is my personal space" I start waving my hand all over the air signaling my space.

While waving my hands all over the place I swap at someone's arm, ops.

"Oh my, I'm sorry I didn't mean to" I apologize but soon see the guy with the Northridge Football shirt, which looks so good on him btw.

"Oh you again.. hi! what a coincidence cause I forgot to give you my number."

Seriously what even is life.

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