Midnight memories

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I stand on the stairs on my way down, and silently stare at my brother, what in the world.

"Why are you watching My little pony?" I say trying to startle him.

He jumps up spilling milk all over his sweats and the carpet.

"Oo you're going to have to clean that" I point to the carpet raising one of my eyebrows up.

"Haha very funny, and I'll leave it for the cat I got to go change for school" He rushes up the stairs pushing me on his way up.

I just laugh at his stupidity and grab a granola bar and my glasses.

Wait what are my glasses doing in the kitchen.

"Jessie! Come down here!" I scream for my brother.

"What do you want" he scowled.

"My glasses, they were in the kitchen, what were they doing there"

"Oh yeah, yesterday night my friends came over and you left them on the counter by the TV but you were asleep by that time so we messed with your glasses a bit, took some pictures, I don't know maybe posted them on insta-" he started to sat but I cut him off.

"Woah there, friends? What friends, you don't have any" I teased.

"My football buddies actually but anyways, I was saying that-"

"Wait football buddies, can you give me names?"

"The same two goofs I hang around with duh"

"Oh right, well I'll check your insta account later, I got to go bye kisses to you" I blow a kiss and he catches it and throws it on the floor, seconds later he's stomping on it.

Well what can I say he is the sweetest brother anyone could have.

I step out my house walking my way to school, my brother can't take me to class since he picks up his girlfriend.

"Erika! So there's a party tonight.. Would you be going" Said my best friend who apparently jumped some bushes to get to me.

"Why would I go if I wasn't invited" It's the truth, the only reason I have gone to my first party is because of my brother, and I may or may not have paid him. Eh but I mean it was worth it, I got kicked out though.

"You are getting invited though" Jake winks at me.

"Um come again?" I got goosebumps as I saw him wink again.

"Melissa is throwing the party and you know how she wants you on her good side" He points to a black car pulling up and three girls with really fake blonde hair come out.

"The only good thing about them is those matching boots, nothing special about them"

"I think they are hot" he states.

"Since when? You've been into Genisis and she's nothing like them" It's the truth, there's a difference between Melissa and her two little sidekicks and Genisis.

"I don't have a taste and you know that"

I kinda do know but can't seem to transfer it through.

"Well im off, See ya later"

We smile at each other and make our way to class.

Another day in this hell hole, great.


"Jess i'm home! .. Oh you have company"

I stare right into the eyes of two jerks.

"Invited them to watch the game, and to play some ball"

"And I will invite myself up my room to watch some Maury" I say.

"You could watch the game with us, I mean if you want" said Jacob, the same guy who i've been dying to crush in debate class.

Before I could answer the door bell rings.

"That must be the pizza delivery guy" said Joey, the one who beat me in the ranks.

When I open the door I smelled hot pepperoni pizza, and a really cute delivery guy holding it.

"I got this.. How much would it be?" Thank you so much for shoving me away from this cute guy.

I pick up the photo frame my brother almost broke, and walk myself back to the living room seeming that I have nothing to do. Well.. other than looking at that cute guy.

I cross my arms as I sit down, and give Jacob a huge death stare when he smirks at me.

Don't you sometimes get that feeling when you want to punch someone in the face cause they are really attractive, or is it just me?

"Yo! Pizza! Dig in guys" There's currently 4 boxes of pizza on the counter but eating a box by myself isn't a good watch for the guys so I stop on my fifth pizza.

"Uhm are going to eat that or just stare at it" said Jacob. Those hazel eyes not moving away from mines.

"Uhm you know what, I'm heading out, it's all yours"

Jacob happily takes the pizza giving me another smirk.

"Jess, is it okay if I go out tonight?" I've been trying to go out for some karaoke lately but my brother always says no, just now I'm praying for him to say yes.

"Where ya gonna go? Karaoke?" Wow this boy knows me.

"Uhm well not tonight,  Melissa asked me to go to her party, can I go?"

"Haha you,to a party? Remember what happened last time"

Okay okay I got to admit that I didn't get kicked out cause I didn't fit in. Mainly it was cause I may or may not have caused a conflict between politics. Let's just say Jacob started it, not my fault I was close enough to join the conversation.

And plus Jacob won't be there to cause another discussion, How did the whole asking-me-to-a-party go? Well...

I might be a bit of a hard headed girl, I can be nice, sometimes. But.. she was such a bitch, telling me not to take Jake with me.

Jake under every circumstances should definitely go to save my butt out of any conflict. I've been known for that girl who always starts a discussion, the girl who always wins.

"Well that wasn't my fault, I blame that on Jacob i could prove it, He wasn't only talking about the second amentment but he-" Jacob soon cut me of.

"You invaded my convo with Karla, uhm"

"Okay okay, i might not be the nicest person in this room, I get it, but.. can I go? Jake will be there."

"Who would drive you? Huh that punk?" Joey says as if he hated his guts.  


"oh my god, Erika! you made it"

I tried to contain my anger cause the only reason she invited me was to get me in good terms with her.  But I totally ignore her, bumping into someone with a drink on their hand which drips all over their shirt.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't see you-" But soon stop on my words when I stare into the eyes of the pizza delivery guy.

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