Prologue - Setting the Path

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[Word count - 255]


Your POV

"Hey, Kaoru, is it okay if I ask you something?" My junior high self asked one of the girls I grew up with.

"Of course, my friend." Kaoru replies. "You're more than welcome to ask me anything."

"Do you think... I can be amazing like you and Chisato?"

Kaoru looked confused by my question.

"Whatever do you mean?"

"Well, it's just that Chisato is already an amazing actress, and you're starting to make a name for yourself." I start to explain. "I think that makes you two amazing, but then there's me, someone with no talent at all."

Kaoru gave me a small smile as she placed her hand on my shoulder.

"(Y/N), my good friend, I speak for myself and Chisato when I say that you are amazing, all you need to do is find something you're good at."

I knew Kaoru was right, but it was easier said than done. But still, I am in junior high now, and I refuse to be talentless for the rest of my life. I am going to find something that I am good at, and I am not going to stop until I do.

This is where our story begins...

To be continued

A/N: Hello, everyone. Welcome to The Fleeting Prince. I kinda struggled with this one a little bit, but I feel proud about this version.
Thank you so much for reading this chapter. I hope you guys liked it and I'll see you in the next one. :)

BanG Dream: The Fleeting Prince [Seta Kaoru x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now