Entry 2-3: A Veteran...?

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It had been awhile since the group decided to end their break and continue exploring. So far, they haven't found anything at all, like earlier before their somehow long break.

Hibiki hummed a tune as the group walked. "Hibiki, Hibiki! You're so good at singing, y'know?" Yamato praised, looking at the shorter girl with stars in his eyes. "Hehe, of course I'm good at singing! It's only natural that I'm an amazing singer. I could even be a vocalist for a band, y'know?" Hibiki replied proudly, and Xander only sighed.

"Oh, so now you're full of yourself." That was the only thing he said. "Wha- Hey! I'm not THAT cocky, y'know?!" Hibiki yelled, but the red head didn't respond. This made Teruya laugh. "Haha! Damn, what a way to get ignored, Hibiki."

"Ugh, Xanxan! Don't ignore me!!" Hibiki shouted, and that's when Xander stopped walking, making everyone else stop walking too. "....Hold up. 'Xanxan'...?" He muttered out in confusion as he turned around to look at the short girl.

"Yeah! That's a nickname for you. I have some for Minnie, Mato, and Ruya as well~" Hibiki answered, her hands going over to her hips as she stood with pride. "M-Minnie?" Min muttered, but nobody heard her since she said it so quietly.

Xander sighed, as he looked around. "I see--Huh?" He said, before pausing to look at...something, or someone in the distance. "Wait, hold on. Guys! Follow me!" Xander instructed, running over to that something or someone. "Huh?! Oi! Xander! Wait up for us!" Teruya shouted, running after him, followed by the rest of the group.

The group managed to catch up to Xander, and once they did, they found him talking to a boy with dark blue hair and eyes that have yellow stars in them. "Xander? Who's this?" Min asked.

"Oh! I...don't know either, I just talked to him now. Hey, why are you here?" Xander asked. "Hm, well I don't know either. One day I just suddenly woke up here. Since that...'day', I decided to wander around this place." The boy explained as he looked at the pale sky.

His gaze then comes back to the group. "Ah, my apologies, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm David. That's all I remember about my name." David said. "We don't remember our names either, but that's fine! I'm Teruya, and these are Yamato, Hibiki, Xander, and Min. Great to meet you!" Teruya spoke with a friendly smile.

David nodded with a smile of his own. "By the way...How long have you been here?" Yamato asked, putting a finger on his chin. "Oh, I'm not too sure. However, I know for a fact that I've probably been here for years, maybe even decades now." David explained in a tired tone.

"Huh?! Decades?! Then you're old by now, right?!" Hibiki asked in disbelief. "I wouldn't exactly say 'old', more like, yeah, sure, I've been here for so long now, but I haven't aged a bit. I guess that strengthens my theory on how time is nonexistent in this world." David explained once again, crossing his arms and his face displaying a serious expression.

"So...We don't age here?" Min asked. David simply nodded, before sighing. "I have been exploring this place for so long now. It's rare for me to find another person here. The last time I saw someone was awhile ago. Her name was...Yoruko, I believe." David then ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. "This place is so wide and big, yet it doesn't seem to even have much life in it. It's like it's an abandoned planet or something."

The group then went silent, processing David's statement. An abandoned planet...not having much life in it...finding other people is rare...? But they managed to find each other ever so easily.

Or maybe it was just fate?

Teruya coughed, breaking the silence. As if on queue, a bubble hovered to his side, making him sigh in frustration. "Ugh, not this little shit again. Why do these bubbles always stick to me like glue?" He said in annoyance.

David observed him for a bit, before his eyes went a bit wide in shock. "Wait! Teruya, was it?" He called. Teruya nodded, a bit confused. "Well, those bubbles are called Memory Bubbles, which are indeed boring names. Whoever can control them is a powerful being, for sure." He explained.

"Eh?! Wait, can I do anything with this?" Teruya asked, the subject of Memory Bubbles starting to pique his interest. "Why not try for yourself?" David asked, a small smile forming on his face. Curious, the green haired boy decided to test it out.

"Memory Bubbles, form a line behind me!" Teruya commanded. As if they're actual people, the Memory Bubbles actually formed a line behind him. Everyone else watched in shock. "Woah! You can actually make them do what you want them to do! That's so awesome...!" Yamato exclaimed in awe.

"Damn! I'm a powerful being!" Teruya stated. David sighed, before chuckling. "It's rare for people to be able to control the Memory Bubbles. So far in my journey, I only really met one person who can actually do such a thing." He explained.

"You really know a lot, Mr. David!" Xander exclaimed in amazement, looking at David with a look at awe. "Oh, ahaha! I guess it's just from my time here." David replied nervously.

"Ah! Why not join us? We can explore this place together." Teruya offered. David looked at the green haired boy for a moment, before smiling sadly. "Really? All this time, I really just go alone, and I'm fine exploring alone too." He said, waving his hands in the air in dismissiveness.

"No, no, no! We insist! I'd feel bad leaving you alone..." Xander said sadly. David looked down and pondered at the offer for a moment, before looking back up with a more fond smile this time. "Fine. I'll join you guys."

"Yay!!" Hibiki shouted happily. "You're gonna have to get used to exploring with actual people, Vivid, because we're gonna talk a LOT!"

"Vivid? Is that a nickname?" David asked.

"Ahaha, yep!"

"Haha, I see. I'm quite used to talking to others too, though. So expect me to maybe even start a conversation with you guys."

"Oh really~?"


The group, with their new member, then continued their journey.

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