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Hi! I'm not experienced at writing so if there are grammar mistakes or misspellings I deeply apologize. This isn't the first fan fiction I've written. Hopefully you enjoy this novel! Thank you! ALSO, THERE ARE SPOILERS SO IF YOU HAVEN'T FINISHED THE SHOW I SUGGEST TO NOT READ UNTIL YOU HAVE DONE SO!

" " - speaking
* * - action
^ ^ - thought

Wednesday is on her way to Tyler's cafe. She takes a seat right at the second to last booth. She takes out her laptop that Xavier gave to her as a gift for getting the best grades in all of Nevermore. She types away her gruesome case.
*loud footsteps*
Wednesday looks up in curiosity.
"WEDNESDAY!" it's Enid, she's out of breath.
"Hello Enid."
"Not that I recall, why?" Wednesday is starting to get concerned.
"I need to see him that's all." Enid sounds serious.
"Oh, well I haven't seen him" Wednesday is eager to know what's the reason Enid wants to see Eugene.
"You want to know why, don't you?" Enid takes a seat in front of her and stares at Wednesday.
"...What makes you say that Enid?" Wednesday gets startled with Enid making eye contact with her.
"You're see-through glass, Wednesday." Enid smirks.
"Stop with the nonsense." Wednesday looks around nervously.
Enid laughs it off and gets up and leaves.
"Bye Wednesday! Thanks!" Enid waves as she opens the door.
"Goodbye Enid."
Wednesday watches Enid leave until she's no longer visible. She goes back to typing her novel.
^I wonder why Enid wants to see Eugene^
^Those 2 aren't that close at all. Why would Enid want to see him?^
^Why should I care, I should be working on my novel^


Enid is walking around the whole school campus searching for Eugene. Enid needs to know what Wednesday likes.
"EUGENE??" Enid shouts his name out repeatedly.
"EUGE-" Enid sees Eugene from a distance.
Enid starts running towards him.
"Eugene! I'm happy I found y-" Enid stops in horror.
Eugene turns around and is slowly transforming into a monster. Enid screams in fear and is frozen for a second as she watches him grow into a tall monster.
"EUGENE WHATS GOING ON??" Enid screams as she gets stuck to the ground.
Enid is unable to move and is faced in front of a giant monster. Enid screams in terror and begins to shake uncontrollably.
"I'M GOING TO DIE!!!" Enid yells like there's no tomorrow.
Eugene opens his mouth and slowly going to Enid. Almost eating her. Gunshots were heard. Both Enid and Eugene look to where the sound of the gunshot was.
"Wednesday?" Enid is shocked.
"Enid don't move."  Wednesday demands.
Enid follows Wednesday's orders and stays as still as possible. Then, Tyler leaps on Eugene, preventing him to eat Enid. Enid was able to move and ran into Wednesday's arms.
"WEDNESDAY. THANK YOU." Enid squeals
"Don't mention it." Wednesday slowly pushes Enid off.
Both Tyler and Eugene slowly starts transforming back into a human. Nobody knows why Eugene turned into a monster since he only had the ability to control bees, Apikinesis. Once both guys were human Enid and Wednesday ran to them.
"Eugene? Tyler? Are you guys okay?" Enid is worried.
*Tyler grunts and sits up*
"I'm fine Enid but I wouldn't say the same for Eugene, he isn't waking up."
Wednesday's and Enid's eyes widen.
"Eugene? Eugene?? EUGENE??" Enid shakes Eugene's body attempting to wake him up.
"Enid, stop." Wednesday slowly grabs Enid's hands and looks at her.
"Stop? Wednesday, Eugene isn't moving." Enid stares at Wednesday.
"Tyler go get help, Enid go with him."
"But Wed-" Enid is worried for Eugene she doesn't wanna leave him.
"Enid. Please." Wednesday says as she looks directly in Enid's eyes.
Enid's eyes softens, "Fine. Let's go Tyler."
Tyler looks back at Wednesday and starts running with Enid to find some help. Wednesday looks at Eugene. He's slowly bleeding out.
^Who did this to you Eugene?^
Eugene's chest slowly starts to move up and down. Wednesday gets startled and slowly sits up Eugene. Eugene starts coughing blood and Wednesday's eyes widen with relief and shock.
"Eugene. Eugene are you okay?" Wednesday is keeping her distance.
*cough* "Wed...nesday?" Eugene opens his eyes and has trouble seeing.
"What did you see." Wednesday is desperate for answers.
"What happened?" Eugene doesn't remember a single second of what just happened.
^Great, he doesn't know.^
^I probably should be taking care of him since Enid isn't here.^
^I shouldn't have made her leave, dammit."^
"Wednesday? You there?" Eugene puts his hand on Wednesday's shoulder.
"Yes Eugene I'm here, I'm fine." Wednesday knocks it off as she realizes she was zoning out.
"Do you mind helping me get up? I'm sort of in pain." Eugene is bleeding tremendously.
"Oh, yes." Wednesday stands him up and is about to rip a piece of her uniform dress.
"Woah, wait Wednesday don't do that. You'll get in serious trouble." Eugene puts his hands up to make Wednesday stop.
"What? I'm trying to stop you from losing more blood and eventually dying." Wednesday rips it anyway and wraps it around his wounds.
Enid and Tyler come back with Xavier and Bianca that are holding med kits.
"Oh my god, what happened to Eugene?" Bianca is terrified by the amount of blood he's covered in.
"Bianca ask questions later, we have to help him." Xavier glares at Bianca and starts walking towards him and helps Wednesday.
"Did you...rip you dress?" Xavier noticed as Wednesday was tying it.
"I thought we weren't asking questions, Xavier." Wednesday takes the med kit.
Enid, Tyler, and Bianca secretly laugh at him behind his back.

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