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**pic creds: sam grace on pinterest !!

Enid is on her way to the train station with her parents, still thinking about Wednesday.
"Yes, Enid?"
"Do I really have to leave Nevermore?"
"You need to wolf out."
"Mother, I've already wolfed out." Enid quickly stops and stares at her mother, slowly getting angry.
"What are you saying Enid?"
"I already wolfed out, Mother. There's no need for me to leave!"
"You never told me."
"Well, you never told me the reason why I was leaving in the first place." Enid gets furious for making such a scene with Wednesday.
"Aren't you bored of Nevermore? You know, don't you wanna come back home for awhile?"
"...Are you insane? I love Nevermore."
Enid's mother's eyes soften as she stares at her daughter who preferred her school over her own home.
"You've changed."
"...For the better, ma."
"Are you sure you don't wanna leave?"
"MOST DEFINITELY!!" Enid runs back to Nevermore hoping to see Wednesday again.


cardigan by Taylor Swift is playing through Wednesday's record player that Enid gave her.

cardigan by Taylor Swift is playing through Wednesday's record player that Enid gave her

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** pic creds: Foggy Master on pinterest!

Wednesday is sitting near the window and staring to the floor as she lets tears fall from her eyes.
^And for the second time, it doesn't feel good.^
Wednesday closes her eyes, remembering the memories she had with Enid.
^Why did you leave me? Why now?^ Wednesday forcefully shuts her eyes not wanting to open them again. More tears fall, she's sobbing.
She imagines herself with Enid on a picnic date, taking polaroids, Enid laying down on her lap, eating together.
"All the things we could've done...What am I saying? She's gone now."
*Door creak* Wednesday opens her eyes and rubs her eyes trying to get rid of her tears, she rushes to stop the music.
Wednesday recognized the voice, "Enid?"
"WEDNESDAY!" Enid runs to Wednesday and hugs her tightly.
Wednesday doesn't manage to pause the music so they hug during minute 3:12 of the song.
"I'm not leaving you." Enid sniffles a little as she feels emotional.
"Thank you...Enid."
Enid holds Wednesday as close as she can. Wednesday pulls her closer as Enid's warmth against her skin comforts her. Enid lets go and looks at Wednesday's eyes.
"It was only a couple of minutes but it felt like torture not being with you."
"I'd say the feeling is mutual, Sinclair." Wednesday and Enid both let out a smile and hug once more.
"My mom told me 'I had to wolf out'."
"Haven't you already wolfed out?"
"YES EXACTLY. I might've left her behind..."
"I would've done the same." Wednesday isn't lying when she says this.
"Wait...seriously?" Enid can't believe Wednesday would do such a thing.
"Yes, Enid.." Wednesday starts to feel nervous but doesn't break eye contact with Enid's bright blue eyes.
Enid's smile continues to grow even bigger as she heard Wednesday's sweet words. Enid pulls in for a kiss and it's granted.
"God, you're just so..."
"Annoying? Scary? Untrustworthy?"
Wednesday's head tilts, "Then what were you gonna say?"
Enid stares at Wednesday's dark eyes, "Beautiful. You're gorgeous Wednesday."
Wednesday looks blank until she replies, "Thank you, Enid. I'd say the same for you."
Enid smiles as she feels like the happiest girl in the world. Wednesday moves away to stop the music.
"Hey Wednesday."
"Yes, Enid?" Wednesday turns to Enid.
^She remembered.^ Enid smiles.
"When can I read that letter you gave me?" Wednesday's eyes widen as she has forgotten she gave it to her.
"When you're alone. I planned on giving it to you on the last day of school when we go back home."
Enid grins at Wednesday, "I really can't read it right now?"
Wednesday moves her head left and right, signaling to Enid that it's a no.
"Understood, Miss Addams." She remakes this emoji: 🫡 *salute*
Wednesday lets out a small laugh since Enid's facial expression is hilarious.
"WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT WEDNESDAY?????" Enid makes more funny faces and Wednesday slowly starts laughing.
Both start laughing together and Enid lunges at Wednesday and pushes her onto the bed and Enid makes more funny noises and facial expressions.
"ENID STOPPP" Wednesday can't stop laughing.
"BLAH BLAH BLOOP AHAHA" Enid and Wednesday are having the time of their lives.
"BLOOOOOO. WAIT MY STOMACH AHAHA IT HURTS." Enid can't stop laughing loudly while Wednesday is laughing more quietly since she isn't used to laughing loudly.
They slowly start to calm down and are just having small giggles.
Enid sighs, "I feel so safe around you. Even if we're arguing or it isn't a happy moment, I feel comfortable. You just being yourself makes me feel...I don't know? There's no right words to explain exactly how I feel. But, I know I love you." Enid turns to Wednesday and has one hand under her head.
Wednesday turns to Enid and stares at her, as if she ran out of words.
Enid smiles, "You're cute."
Wednesday's face gets red, "Oh please..."
"What? It's true!" Enid lets out a smile showing her teeth.
Wednesday giggles, "Ah Enid, you're far too sure to believe you're in love with me."
"And so are you."
Wednesday's expression changes, "I do believe I love you. You explained it the same way."
Enid wants to act smart, "So why do you think I'm not?"
"Enid. You were just in love with Ajax before me."
"And you were in love with Tyler."
"..." Wednesday thinks as she notices Enid is right.
"Didn't think of that, did you? We're on the same boat Wednesday. And who cares if we loved some other boy before us. All that matters is our relationship, not them."
^She has a point.^
"You're right, Enid. I'll work on that."
Enid smiles and nods.
The room goes silent... "Hey, I was thinking..."
"Yes, Enid?" Wednesday is still looking at Enid.
"Do you wanna like...go on a date...? Later...?"
Wednesday is startled by what Enid just asked her.
"Sure, tell me the details."
"OH! Well, I haven't thought about that." Enid lets out a small laugh.
"Do you have any ideas, Wednesday?" Enid grins.
"No, not at all. This was your idea." Wednesday has a billion things she'd like to do for their first date.
"While you think, I'm going to visit Eugene." Wednesday gets up and starts walking to the door.
"Wait!!! Why are you leaving so soon?" Enid gets a confused gesture on her face.
"I need to see Eugene, he could have good information for me to crack this case." Wednesday still looks at Enid before slowly opening the door.
"Well, I'll be here...thinking!" Enid smiles as she watches her lover walk away.
"Goodbye, Enid."
"Are you forgetting something?" Enid smirks.
"I have everything I need." Wednesday doesn't see the hint.
"Are you 100% sure?" Enid starts to catch on she doesn't get it.
"Yes, Enid."
"I'll tell you..." Wednesday fixes her posture and turns her body to Enid.
"A little goodbye kiss?? You know."
"Oh...fine." Wednesday walks to Enid.
Enid smiles as she sees Wednesday walk closer and closer to her.
Wednesday is in front of Enid, tempted to make out with her, "Well? What are you waiting for silly?" Enid puts her hands around Wednesday's face and pulls her in closer to a kiss.
Enid kisses her for a long time until letting go of her lips.
"I'll miss you."
"Will too, Sinclair." Wednesday softly smiles and walks away.
Enid waves goodbye as Wednesday closes the door, "Bye Wednesday!!"
Enid sighs, "I know why you're going to Eugene, Wednesday." She chuckles. "You're cute...real cute."

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