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**picture creds to @yuzuu_orange!

Enid skips along the hallway as Wednesday speed walks to catch up since Enid won't let go of her hand.
"WHATS UP WHATS UP!!!" It's Ajax.
Wednesday tries to let go but Enid doesn't let her.
"WHAT'S UP BEST FRIENDDD!!" Enid loves to match people's energy.
"Hello, Ajax." Wednesday is more of a quiet type.
"Did you hear we don't have first period?!?" Ajax is overhyped about the news.
"WHATTT??? That made my day even better!"
"How come?" Wednesday is still trying to let go.
"Well, I don't really know the reason but that's what my teacher told us." Ajax drops his pencil and sees Enid and Wednesday holding hands.
"Oh oh OH?? What's this cute thing we're doing??"
"Don't mention it. I was forced." Wednesday glares at Enid. Enid looks back at Wednesday and checks her out.
"Hey, you agreed..."
"I may have but I said when I saw someone I would let go. I thought you understood."
"I'm sorry bestie, it's cold and your hands are warm." Enid winks at Wednesday softly.
Wednesday shrugs it off and lets go. She walks past both Ajax and Enid and starts walking to the library.
Enid stares at Wednesday as she walks by.
"Ouch...you're seriously gonna let her go, just like that?" Ajax feels the awkwardness increasing.
"Yeah, it's Wednesday. I'll be fine I'll...talk to her later, I guess." Enid's smile drops.
"Okay. If you say so!" Ajax waves goodbye and heads back to his dorm.
Enid waves goodbye back and lets out a sigh.
"Gosh Wednesday, what am I going to do with you."


Wednesday's parents came over to Nevermore as a surprise. Wednesday was in the library looking out the window. Suddenly, she sees her mother come out of their car with her father. However, Pugsley was nowhere to be found.
^What is my mother and father doing here?^ Wednesday's eyes open and she tries to figure out what they want.
Of course, Wednesday doesn't go. She doesn't have the energy to see her parents. She hears everyone whisper as she walks through the hallway.
^Enid where are you?^
Wednesday wants Enid with her. She can't stand the attention she's getting.
"WEDNESDAY!" It's Morticia.
Wednesday turns around after recognizing the voice of her mother, "Yes, mother?"
"That's not the way of the main entrance, my dear." Morticia has a big smile on her face.
"Don't call me that. And yes, I knew it wasn't."
"Oh Wednesday, why are you such in a bad mood today?" Morticia starts walking towards Wednesday.
"Give mother a hug!" Morticia puts her arms out.
Wednesday stares at her mother before going close to her but doesn't hug her back.
"My dear Wednesday, how much we missed you!" Gomez also hugs Wednesday.
"Hello, father." Wednesday can feel everyone staring at her.
"What brings you here? Do you guys want something?" Wednesday's suspicion rises.
"No! We just wanted to see how you were doing, Wednesday." Morticia was expecting that from her daughter.
"Very well, you see I'm doing just fine. I need to get to class." Wednesday fixes her posture.
"You want to leave so quickly?" Morticia wants Wednesday to stay.
"Mother, I don't want to be late to my class. Class is important."
"Right honey. So, give us another goodbye hug!" Morticia once again opens her arms.
This time, Wednesday looks at both her parents once more and leaves without giving them a hug. Everyone gasps and starts whispering and staring at Wednesday's parents and Wednesday herself.
Morticia smirks, "That's my daughter."


Wednesday is inside an empty classroom, hidden away from everyone else. Although she got rid of Joseph Crackstone, she's thirsty for more information.
^What if Joseph Crackstone can be summoned again?^
^Could Laurel Gattes be the only person to summon him?^
^...Who knows.^
She takes out the picture Rowan used as the excuse to kill Wednesday.
^The scene is similar to that day. However, I'm saving Nevermore, not destroying it.^
^Shouldn't have Rowan thought about it beforehand? Why would I team up with the disgusting man who killed my ancestor, Goody Addams?^
^Well, I am an outcast who almost got an attempted murder charged on my record, how embarrassing.^
Wednesday looks at the picture once more and puts away. She gets up and heads back to her dorm.


*Door creak*
Wednesday enters the room and it seems she isn't alone. Enid is taking a nap in Wednesday's bed.
Wednesday walks closer to Enid, "Enid, wake up. Get off my bed".
Enid doesn't move at all.
"Enid Sinclair." Wednesday is tempted on touching her shoulder and shake her to wake up.
As Wednesday reaches Enid's shoulder, Enid reacts first.
"Wednesday.." Enid grabs her wrist and clenches.
Enid's face is red and Wednesday immediately realizes she has a high fever, or so she thought..;)
"It's so hot, Wednesday." Enid is shivering and sweating.
"Do you have a fever Enid?" Wednesday slowly tilts her head.
"No, it's something werewolves get in once awhile. I normally get it during the summer...not now." Enid pulls Wednesday closer.
"Enid, not again." Wednesday knows what's coming.
"Wednesday I can't help it."
"What is your little 'werewolf disease'?". Wednesday doesn't know much about werewolves.
"Mmm, just search it up. It's too embarrassing for me to tell you." Enid doesn't want to accept she's on her 'werewolf days'
"I can't see why you aren't able to tell me but if you feel sick I'll do the researching." Wednesday takes out her phone and types in Safari 'What does it mean when a werewolf is feeling hot and doesn't have a fever?'
"You're in heat?" Wednesday asks softly.
"Mhm." Enid nods and heavily breathes.
"I'm trying to figure out how to help." Wednesday scrolls some more.
"Wednesday, please realize what you're saying ASAP." Enid panics.
"It says here, 'When a werewolf is in heat, when they smell the scent of a possible mate they will immediately want them close to them and-"
Enid pulls Wednesday in her arms, "More, more, get closer."
"Enid, we're too close." Wednesday can barely breathe.
"Closer please." Enid pulls Wednesday even more closer.
"I'm trying, Sinclair." Wednesday puts her arms around Enid's waist and pulls her closer.
"Kiss me."
"I'm not sure if I shou-"
Enid leans in for a kiss and kisses Wednesday aggressively. Wednesday starts feeling more hot and kissed back.
Enid stops for a second, "Gosh Enid, you're a mess."
"More, get closer Wednesday."
"Enid I'm as close as I can, I can't go inside your skin."
"Who said you couldn't?..." Enid smirks, "Fuck, it hurts Wednesday!" Enid grunts in pain as she starts to breathe even louder and heavier.
^Does she mean..?^
"Wednesday please make it stop."
"I'm doing everything I can, Enid."
Wednesday kisses Enid and makes it a long make-out session.


*Heavy breathing*
"Wednesday, wait."
Wednesday stops and stares at Enid.
"I think, I'm getting rid of the *deep breathe* heat."
"We're way too far in to stop, aren't we Sinclair?"
Wednesday is now on top of Enid and goes back to kissing her.
"Kiss me lower." Enid managed to slip out those words as Wednesday aggressively grabs her face and kisses her lips.
Wednesday stop and does the triangle method to Enid, "Here?" Wednesday kisses Enid's neck.
"Oh yes, there." Enid arches her back as she feels Wednesday's warm lips on her neck, almost reaching her collarbone.
*Heavy breathing*
Enid lets out a small moan and it makes Wednesday smirk.
"Oh? How naughty of you Ms. Sinclair."
"Shut up and keep kissing me."
Wednesday feels more in the moment and starts feeling more hot throughout her body.
^Looks like Enid passed on her heat onto me. It's so...hot.^
"I love you, Enid." Wednesday stares into Enid's eyes
"I love you and your lips, Wednesday." Enid holds Wednesday's face and pulls her in for one more kiss.


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