Arc One: A Different Type of Halcyon: Seedling

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"She was a queen

with neither crown nor kingdom,

the most powerful piece on the chessboard

with no moves left to make,

So she overturned the table."

It had been a couple weeks since Shisui had left for his escort mission, and Uchiha Itachi found himself in a strange sense of calm. Perhaps it was because his cousin used the term chaotic in human form. So bright and loud. Cheerful and so very kind. Yet ruthless, calculative, and sly. It was times like these that Itachi realized how deep Shisui had buried himself in his life. Itachi's eyes flicker upwards when he hears a familiar caw. It was Asuga, one of his crows from the summons he shared with Shisui. 'Shisui wouldn't take no for an answer in not sharing, anyways.'

Giving a soft thanks, he took the scroll and opened it. Ebony-gray eyes darting eagerly from line to line. Slowly, however, the gentle smile he had been wearing faded into a grimace of annoyance.

Dear Itachi-chan,

Hey, itoko. It's been awhile since we last chatted via Asuga. She was rather put out that I didn't have any hazelnuts for her. probably should give her some before she "accidentally" bites you.

Itachi paused to give a weary glance at Asuga, who was viciously snapping her sharp beak against a hazelnut shell. She had already gone through four somehow.

By all the kami's above, you won't believe it, but I finally have found another version of you. Only it's a girl. She's delicate and soft looking, much like those fancy porcelain dolls those young noble girls in the capital play with. Oh and her hair is a beautiful shaded color of meadowsweet flowers, and her eyes are the color of those coral hued jade gemstones you can sometimes find in the sea. Every time I see her do something that reminds me of you, it has me picturing you with her hair color.

Itachi felt insulted that Shisui would think of something as disturbing as that. Not that Itachi had anything against the color pink or think anyone looked ugly with it. It's just for him, it was too bright for his taste. To his paranoid self, it was like he was putting a loud target on his back. If he indeed had that hair color, he couldn't imagine how much money he would spend on hair dyeing products. Itachi paused in his reading to squint at the rough-looking drawing in the corner. 'WAS THAT SUPPOSED TO BE HIM WITH PINK HAIR!?'

Do you like my drawing?

Itachi was going to assassinate his cousin in the most embarrassing way! The clan didn't really need Shisui at all! There were plenty of cousins and Sasuke!

Another thing I have noted since accepting this mission is that the Haruno Clan are more than what they appear on their informational citizenship papers, and the sparse clan information I could read that was visible to the public. Then again, all clans shinobi or not lie on the informational census.

Itachi narrowed his eyes at his cousin's words. While the Haruno's held a seat on both the Civilian Council and the Clan Council since the founding of the village, they never sent anyone to sit. The assigned chair had been gathering dust for decades. 'Metaphorically.' In the gathering thoughts of his own clan, they considered them a boring melting-pot.

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