Arc One: A Different Type of Halcyon: Asuga's Nestling's

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"Be careful

what you ignite

because honey,

you wanted 

a spark

but she,

she's a wildfire."

In the swirling mists and rustic hue waters of Kiri stood a hospital. It was of reasonable size with it's coral-gray stone painted walls and deep brown trimming. It had five floors and a deep basement.

The first floor was for checking-in and separating the severely injured from the non-among both civilian and shinobi population. The second floor was tailored to see civilians, while the third was testing and lab results. The fourth floor catered to the shinobi, and the fifth floor was the nursery and labor ward. The basement held all their records and medical supplies.

In one of the rooms on the fifth floor stood a man with his hands cradling a sleeping toddler to his chest. The toddler was cherubic with a sickly graceful appearance, as their hands clutched tightly to the man's shirt. "So when will you tell Sakura-chan about her baby brother?" Sadao spoke up from where he stood by the window, looking out to the village below his eyebrows, furrowing deeply with thought. "It's been two years since he was born, Kizashi. Sakura-chan has a quick mind and will soon realize you guys aren't really here for Trade Business."

"I know." Kizashi softly admits as he brushes a tiny curl behind a pale ear. "We just didn't want to get her hopes up if he didn't survive, not to mention the potential political problems."

"But he has survived. Thriving even! He's breathing perfectly fine, and his chakra is flowing well." Sadao chimed back as his fingers began to tap the top of his sword's scabbard. "He'll have dual-citizenship until he comes of age, either by civilian or Shinobi methods."

Kizashi leveled his brother-in-law with a look. "You know what I mean't, Sadao. Now that I've fathered a son..." he trailed off.

"Now I thought with the civilians it was the firstborn who inherited?" Sadao grunted in response to Kizashi's unspoken meaning.

"If they're boys, if a daughter is the only one of the line to continue to inherit, they typically have a second son marry into the daughter's family to take over family and clan manners." Kizashi explained. "They won't care even if he was born blind or missing a limb. Fuck better for them too if he had been." Kizashi ended bitterly.

"All because he has a penis?" Sadao muttered with clear disbelief. "Such nonsense! Women are certainly far more dangerous than us men! Hell, the true maker of the Seven Swords was the Matriarchal of our clan, though often or not male shinobi forget or choose to ignore it." Sadao ranted completely offended on his niece's behalf. "You're seriously telling me the Haruno clan is willing to overlook Sakura, who is so clearly brilliant?"

Kizashi gave a sharp frown. "Not if I have anything to say about it." A slow smirk began to crawl lightly on his lips. "Neither will your sister."

Sadao gave a loud guffaw, "She'll gut them before they could even speak a word!" Sadao opened his mouth to speak more about the vicious violence his sister would impose when a loud boom shook the entire room, causing the young toddler to wake with a shrill cry of terror.

"What the hell was that!" Kizashi hissed as his body tightened into a stance to fight at any given moment. "Hush, it'll be okay, Baikamo."

Sadao pulled his katana from its scabbard. "The rebellion. It's starting."

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