Cold Heat

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Two cups of coffee and a slice of cake later, Law was stuck listening to not one, but two women, chat up his unsuspecting new boyfriend.
Conis had been joined by a taller, fair-skinned ravenette named Laki, much to his displeasure, around twenty minutes into their unproductive conversation.

Why does this always have to happen?

The surgeon asked himself as he halfheartedly watched Conis chirp at Luffy like an excited baby bird, her golden braids swinging abruptly as she did so, and the latter nodding in equal enthusiasm, a sunshine smile gracing his features. The other woman, Laki, simply stood by Conis, adding her own little bits to the conversation here and there.
Law dragged a hand over his face tiredly.

What does a guy gotta do to spend some quality time around here?

The surgeon grudgingly took a bite of his second piece of chocolate cake, his brows pinching in frustration. Luffy continued to remain oblivious to Law's obvious dissatisfaction, vehemently shaking his head in response to Conis' rant about the best cake flavour (her was bias to strawberries was obvious at this point).
The older didn't even notice Luffy's hand creeping up near his plate, armed with a spoon. Law watched in a slight daze as Luffy spooned some of the sweet, dense dessert into his mouth whilst simultaneously responding to Conis' quips.


Law stared bullets at the tiny smidge of cream stuck to the corner of his lips. OCD tendencies that he didnt even know he had suddenly kicked in as he was hit with the overwhelming urge to wipe it off (or lick it, but that was unthinkable......atleast in public)

Fuck it.

Law reached over across the table in a split second, swiped the little dot off the corner of Luffy's mouth and retracted his hand, settling back into his seat. Said person, immediately looked at Law for explanation.

"You had something there".

Luffy smiled and nodded, so did Conis, though when she did it, it was little bit weird now that he thought about it.

"It seems I've been kept you both for a while", she said, as she gingerly reached over and began placing the plates and cups neatly onto a tray.

Yes. Yes you have.

"Not at all Conis, this was so much fun, right Torao?" Luffy called, not missing a beat.

Law's eye twitched.


A little while later and our pair was now walking the streets of Tokyo. Law's hand was rested comfortably on the small of Luffy's back (Not cos he was weirdly attached to Luffy or anything, he just didn't want him to slip on a sneaky patch of black ice and crack his skull open).

Luffy was all warmth and smiles as he drank in the pretty sights like a child outside on their very first Christmas.

"Ne Ne! Torao, do you think it'll snow anytime soon?"

"I think not too far from now, it will darling"

The word slipped off Law's lips all too easily and if he wasnt looking straight ahead as he walked, Law would've noticed the tips of Luffy's ears burning a furious shade of crimson.

"Oh........well that's great! I wanna play in the snow with Torao and my nakama!!"

Luffy called loudly, fist pump and everything. Law snorted softly, but couldn't stop the undeniably fond smirk that tugged at his lips. He gave Luffy's waist a light squeeze, and drew him even closer.

"Tell me about them"


"Your Nakama..."

"Oh! Well....." Luffy started, tapping his chin thoughtfully.

"There's this big green haired dude, Zoro! He can do these awesome tricks with three swords Torao. Three of them! How cool is that?!" Luffy cried, flapping his hands in the air like a kid on a sugar rush.

"Very cool indeed Luffy-ya".

"And then there's Nami, she's kinda mean.....and she loves money!"

Law raised an eyebrow at that. What an.......interesting description.

".....she's also a grasshopper? No, that's not right, she likes maps....uhm, go-......gee-......geo...?"

"Geographer?" Law finished for him.

"Yeah! That's the one, she's a geographer! And then there's Usopp and Sanji....Sanji makes the best food in the world!! He's a chef down at the Baratie.....And Usopp went to school with me, we were always in detention together...."

Luffy rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, flashing Law a guilty grin. Law simply hummed in response, bringing his hand up to Luffy's head and ruffling the black locks gently.

"And we can't forget Chopper! He's really tiny but really smart, and he wants to be a doctor too someday!"

Law smiled at that. He'd definitely like to meet Luffy's friends.

"And then there's Robin and Franky....they're engaged. Robin is an archolomist-"


"Yeah! And Franky's a mechanic, he made me a really cool robot for my birthday, and it was like GWAH! and POW! So cool!!!......And then we have Brook! He's a little old....but that's okay! He's still awesome! He's a musician, and he plays the best tunes on his violet".

"Violin". Law gently corrected, as he guided Luffy to a nearby bench and sat him down. All that walking had brought them to a public park. The cold air grazed Law's cheeks, forcing him to suppress a shiver.

He occupied the seat next to Luffy, immediately wrapping an arm around his shoulders and dragging him closer. Luffy didn't resist. He simply allowed Law to maneuver him and once comfortable, rested his head on Law's shoulder.

"I'd like to meet your friends Luffy-ya"

"Don't worry Torao! You'll get to meet them soon enough, I'm make sure of it"

Luffy got a low hum and a gentle head pat in response. And with that the duo settled into a comfortable silence, Luffy finally giving in to the exhaustion that the last couple of hours brought on, his eyes drooping slightly.

For the first time that day, Law on the other hand felt at home. He basked in the heat that Luffy radiated and buried his face in his hair, breathing in the mild scent of coconut.

Luffy felt Law's body vibrate as he chuckled. "Coconut?" He whispered, pulling back as he regarded Luffy with a playful smirk.

The tips of Luffy's ears flushed delightfully. "It smells good okay".
Law laughed. This time it was a proper belly laugh, as he tipped his head back and snickered.


At that moment, Luffy genuinely didn't understand what was funny about his coconut and lime shampoo, but as he gazed at Law from the corner of his eyes, what he did know, was that Law was hot.

Like, really really hot.

Oh god. Was it the razor sharp jawline? Those molten slate gray eyes? Or was it the irrevocable daddy vibe he constantly exuded?

Luffy didn't know, and frankly, he couldn't bring himself to care as eye-fucked the man.

My oh my.

Yes, Trafalgar Law was drop-dead gorgeous.

And he's all mine.

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