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Mocoso- brat (Cavendish)

Hermanito, me tenias preocupado- "baby bro, you had me worried" (Sabo)

Lo Siento, no lo dije en serio-" Sorry, I didn't mean it" (Luffy)

Hay que deshacernos de èl, pequèno Lu- "Let's ditch him, little Lu" - (Cavendish)

Con Law, si- "with Law, yes" (Luffy)

El es un poco sospechoso, Ace no estarìa orgulloso- "He's shady, Ace wouldn't be proud" (Cavendish)

No me hagas enojar Cavendish, conoce tus lìmites - "Do not piss me off Cavendish, know your limits" (Luffy)


Eventually though, Luffy calmed down, his erratic gasps turning into soft sniffles. Law had somehow miraculously managed to coax Luffy towards a park situated close to the hospital. And that's how they had ended up sitting on a park bench bordering midnight. Law's nose was buried in Luffy's hair as he scrolled through his phone. Judging by the rapid taps on the screen, Law guessed he was texting somebody. Streaks of black ice bordered the pavements.

"Luffy-ya, what in the world are you doing here?" Law finally asked, unable to contain his curiosity. He felt the teen stiffen slightly in his arms. "What are you doing here?" Luffy retorted, seemingly avoiding the question out of pure discomfort. "I work here Luffy-ya" Law said, chuckling softly at Luffy's childish ways. "Oh.........If you're working here then I'm pretty sure you know that someone was rushed to the emergency room 'coz of a car crash tonight......" the teen dragged, dipping his nose into the crook of Law's neck. Law felt an uncomfortable feeling rise in his stomach. "Did someone known to you get...............hurt?" Law managed, not wanting to further press into the matter.

"Oh Torao..........Ace...................................
Ace was in the car"



Law just couldn't comprehend it. It all seemed so fake. Ace-ya? Drinking? Driving? Comatose?


It just seemed too superficial for Law to logically put together.

"I knew h-he shouldn't have got i-in that car with T-Teach......I-I'm so useless. I-I could have stopped h-him.....' Luffy sobbed, tears running down his cheeks once more as he held on to Law for dear life. Law was at a loss for words. Never during the three years of his career had he once imagined that one of his closest friends would end up in hospital on the verge of death. Again.

"Oi Mocoso, I got you a caramel mac- what the fuck?"

A man stood there. In front of a dazed Law with a distraught Luffy straddling him on a park bench. Well shit.

Before Law knew it, he was sucker punched straight in the nose. Hard.

Luffy had now disappeared from his lap, and was now hidden behind the man's muscular figure. Law looked at him through blurry eyes as he attempted to suppress the heavy flow of red liquid running down his nose and onto his doctor's coat.

"What the fuck did you do to him, you child molester!?" the man shouted agitatedly. Luffy immediately restrained him as he attempted to punch Law again. "Oi Cabbage, I'm not a goddamn child! Oh god-Torao, your face-" Luffy fussed as he crouched near him and tilted his chin to the side to get a better look at his injury. 'Cabbage' scoffed loudly and turned his head away. Who the hell does this guy think he is?

Well whoever he is....................
I don't like him.


"Honestly you two, stop acting like oversized children" Luffy muttered as he watched me and Cavendish engage in an intense staring battle. More like war.

It had been like this ever since Luffy urged us into a Starbucks cafe close to the hospital. Luffy, being the angel he was, was nice enough to steer Law towards a public water fountain in the park and help wash the blood off his face so he looked presentable.
"Tell me Luffy-ya, who is this gracious, kind, young lad?" Law asked, never taking his eyes off the blonde. "I wouldn't exactly call him young since he's twenty, but Law meet Cavendish , one of my friends from highschool, and Cavendish, meet Law my childhood friend" Luffy replied, slightly anxiously, as if he was worried that one of them would lunge. "Oh? A friend you say?" Law drawled, possesively draping a tattooed arm across Luffy's slender shoulders. "That's right. Got something to say about it?"

Things at their table looked pretty threatening from a distance. Luffy felt infinitely uncomfortable between his 'friend' and his very first love interest.

And then a miracle occurred. Luffy's phone started ringing. Luffy gave a quick glance to the caller ID and blushed as the occupants at the table peeked at it as well.

Onii~chan ; )

Sabo's nickname, affectionately given by Luffy himself. "Sorry, I've gotta take this" Luffy mumbled shyly before answering the call.

"Lu, where the hell are you? You've been gone for 4 hours now"

"Sorry if I worried you, just happened to bump into someone Sabo"

"Cavendish has been gone for a while now too...."

"Oh! he's hanging out with me, we're at the Starbucks around the corner"

"Hermanito, me tenias preocupado"

"Lo siento, no lo dije en serio" Luffy whispered half heartedly before hanging up.

Law blinked. It had been quite a while since he heard that smooth spanish accent. It didn't surprise him, after all Luffy was a born and bred Spaniard along with Ace-ya. Sabo-ya was actually Japanese, but until he turned ten years old he spent his childhood with Ace and Luffy-ya, which meant he knew fluent Spanish as well. Law was aware that they were speaking Spanish but he didn't actually know what they were saying. And when Cavendish began rambling in Spanish, Law got more than a little bit irked.

"Hay que deshacernos de èl, pequèno Lu" the blonde said, wiggling his lady-like fingers. Stupid high strung vegetable.

"Con Law, si" Luffy retorted, stirring sugar into his coffee.

"Èl es un poco sospechoso, Ace no estarìa orgullosa" he said, shaking his head in disappointment.

Luffy's coffee coloured eyes turned dark. "No me hagas enojar Cavendish, conoce tus lìmites" he snarled, before reverting back to his earlier demeanour.


"You and me. Forever. Please?"

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