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I sit in the dark room inhaling the foul stench of mold and whiskey. The cold from the concrete floor seeps through my clothes, nipping at my skin. I hear the chains from the shed door up above start to rattle and I become drenched in fear. The man doesn't come often but when he does he makes sure you remember it.

"Someone will save me" I say to the walls. But as usual its only response is silence which pierces me to my very core.

I remember he brought a boy once, he looked to be no older than 15. He was silent as the man led him in, his head hung low, but as he looked at me he managed a smile and his long brown hair hung over his eyes as he turned away.

Before the boy left he snuck me half a loaf of bread that he had hid in his coat pocket. He may have seen it as a small gesture but it gave me hope. That was two years ago.

Before I could finish the thought I hear the thud of the mans work boots as he started to descend the staircase.

" Calm down, breathe..." I whispered to no one. I pushed myself up against the wall, but it provided me no comfort, it only makes me feel closed in. The man entered my room with a serious expression covering every part of his round, scruffy face. He seemed different, more fidgety. Then I realized the expression was not serious at all, his face was more contorted, his veins stuck out on his forehead and his eyes were glazed. This was a look of fear.

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