New surroundings

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" doll....its time to wake up ok..." I covered my eyes with the blanket that I was given last night. I didn't want to wake up. This was the best sleep I had ever had!

" Come on....if you don't get up then u won't get to see the surprise..." At that I let out a long and loud groan and slowly sat up..... My hair was probably a mess. I refused to take a shower last night as well as eating my food.

" would you like something to eat for breakfast?" I didn't even have to think about it I nodded my head so quick that the man let out a soft chuckle. " Alright then....I will be right back you just sit tight. The bathroom is the first door to the right if you decide you want to freshen up....."

I really needed to. I knew I had to look bad, I hadn't had a shower in..... I don't even know how long. I slipped out of my covers and let my bare feet hit the soft warm carpet and I padded my way out into the hallway. I headed to the first door on the right as he had said and what I saw when I walked in stunned me. I could tell my eyes were bugging out by the sheer sight of seeing an actual toilet again.

" Will this last?" I ask to the walls, what I heard wasn't silence, it was the buzzing of the ventilation up above. I climbed out of my dirt caked clothes and I climbed into the bathtub and I turned the nozzle for the water. At first it startled me but then I was comforted by the warm water that hit my toes, giving me warm and fuzzy feeling. Then the water started to increase in heat and I didn't know what to do.....I started to freak out. I tried crawling out but the side of the tub was so tall and slippery that it was highly impossible. I was 17 but I was so skinny and frail that I was seriously small for my age. All that I could think to do was scream, but that didn't stop me from trying to get out of the wretched tub.

" Oh my goodness hold on doll!!!" the man ran into the bathroom, and turned the right nozzle filling the tub with cold water. I was so relieved that I didn't even bother to think how inappropriate it was for a man to be in the bathroom with an underage girl. It seemed he had the same thought for he quickly averted his gaze and walked out.

" If you need anything, call for me and I will get Jessie to come in and assist you...." He practically ran out of the room, face bright red. I spent my time testing all the different soaps that they had laid out and washing my hair thoroughly, by the time I finished scrubbing my skin with the sponge and pumice that they had laid out, the bathwater was practically black with my filth.

I tried to climb out of the tub but as before I couldn't manage so I called for the man. " Excuse me.....sir.....sir?" At that I could see a shadow form beneath the door followed by an answer.

" yes doll?"

" I need your friend to come in and help me if she wouldn't mind...." I was trying to be as polite as possible because I didn't want to upset any of them.

" sure thing doll, she will be right there." While I was waiting for his friend to come and help me I played with the bubbles that laid atop of the water, shaping them into weird animals and food.

After about 10 minutes of waiting she finally arrived. well at least it felt like ten minutes.

" All right honey are you all done?" they were still treating me like a kid, and I didn't appreciate it very much.

" Yep all I need is help getting out of here...." It took about a minute, and then she handed me a pink cotton robe to cover myself, then she left.

" everything you need is in the cabinet." at that she left and I was alone with my thoughts once more. I brushed out every single tangle from my hair, taking my time once more, before I looked in the mirror. To be honest I was a little scared to. I hadn't seen myself since I was a little girl. What would I look like? I slowly looked up at the mirror and I was stunned by what I saw in front of me.

I saw a small girl with dark black hair, cut short with hazel eyes. I had really pale skin from being in the dark for so long, and my eyes were almost sinking into my skull. How long had I been down there? The police still had no luck finding out who I was without me giving them a blood sample or a picture to go off of. But if I wanted to find out who my parents were it was time to come out into the open.

Something to fearTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang