Am I truly free?

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       " Get over here now, we're leaving." His deep voice echoed through the room as he unhooked the chain from the back door. I noticed that his hands were shaky, he could barely even get the key into the lock!

       " I said get up bitch!!! What you over there staring at?!" He narrowed his gaze at me with such intensity that i sucked in a harsh breathe of air before standing to my feet.

         I half walked, half shuffled to the back where the man was standing. At 5 "9" the man towered over me, his intense features stood out before all else. He was a decent sized man but his face is what brought fear. I knew better than to talk or make eye contact, so I stayed quiet when he undid the lock and led me through a dark corridor.

        Each step I made brought more uneasiness. i felt as if the walls were closing in around me, and i found it hard to breathe. I had to stop, if only for a moment. I could feel myself hyperventilating, the air being taken out of my lungs, and then I felt fingers raking through my hair. I yelped in pain as the man yanked my head back walking me forward.

       " No stopping yet. We're nearly there." I felt tears filling my eyes as he dragged me down the dark ominous hallway, making it harder for me to find air.

       Before the darkness could pull me under with its iron claws we finally reached the end and I could sit down once more. The yellow light burrowed itself up underneath the rotted wooden door, trying to get to me as I breathed in gulps of air, filling my lungs to the brim.

       As the man fumbled with the next lock I heard loud banging from where we had just came.

       " Fuck...." He said underneath of his breath, moving faster than before. A he removed the lock he grabbed my forearm yanking me up to my feet to move me with him.

       The banging continued as me and the man made our way outside. The light blinded me, keeping me from seeing what I had wished to see for so long. The first thing that I noticed was how warm and soft the grass was on my rough bare feet. But I didn't get to enjoy it long before the man moved me along with the push of his arm. My vision was coming back, and what beauty I saw!! Trees everywhere!! And so much green!! But why do I feel as if all of this is a dream? make believe.....and i'm still trapped in my concrete cell.

      " We gotta keep moving come on!!!!" My legs kept moving but my mind was elsewhere. I couldn't focus whatsoever on the situation before me, all I could do was stare at the colors. What brought me back to reality, was when I stopped breathing. I stopped walking automatically and dropped to the ground thrashing and grabbing at my throat for air. My lungs started to burn, and my eyes started to water at the pain, but Mathieu wouldn't hear of it.

      " Get to your feet bitch we gotta go!!! There is no time for your bull-jiving!!!" He grabbed at my hair once more but I wasn't going anywhere. The darkness was closing in on me once more, dragging me under fast.

      " Fuck it!! Your not worth jail time..." At that I could hear his footsteps getting farther away and voices getting closer. Before I was gone completely felt a rush of air enter my lungs, followed by relief and some pain. A young man stood above me, staring into my eyes telling me everything was going to be all right. I must have been a mess because he was crinkling his nose up and turning his head away to yell something at his team. 

       " What is to happen to me now?" I expect to hear silence as always, that's all I've ever heard when i asked a question. But a smooth young voice answers me back.

      " I don't know kid....I don't know...."

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