What's to come

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" Alright kid, just wait in this room for Mr. Greene to come and speak with you alright?" I just sit there in the metal chair, hands in my lap and nod my head in agreement with the man.

"ok then.......would you like something to drink or eat perhaps?" silence fills the room as I fiddle with my fingers beneath the table. He just presses his lips together in a form of annoyance and leaves the room.

Finally alone again I think to myself. I have already talked to numerous agents, I just wanted to go to sleep, maybe in a real bed. I can still remember a time when I actually had a bed to sleep in, it was a twin sized bed with sky blue covers and a white linen. My mom would always yell at me for yanking all the covers off to make a blanket fort. The sad thing is I can hardly remember my own mom and dad. where they still alive? That's one question that no one at the agency would answer me.

" Hello. My name is Mr. Greene. May I know your name? I read through all the other files with the other agents and it seems you haven't told anyone your name." I shake my head no. He wasn't going to know my name, I don't want any of them to know my name. That's the one thing that I had left that was private and mine.

" very well then, we will just skip to the questions. I'm not a normal agent to let you know....I'm a special kind....They call me a sketch artist. Do you know what that is?" Of course I knew what a sketch artist was. Did they all think I was stupid? I shoke my head yes. I just wanted this interview over and done with.

" What can you tell me about what the person looked like?"

" He had a round face, close-set eyes, and a medium sized nose....." at that he smiled and starting scribbling on his little pad he had in front of him.

" She speaks...and thats good. Anything else doll?"

" He had a lot of facial hair..."

" Alright....Thank you doll. I think we are good for now. unless you remember anything else?" I shoke my head in disagreement and he just grabbed up his pad and pencil and nodded at me and left. After that a nice looking lady walking into my room talking about candy and sweets. I didn't really care about that stuff, I just wanted rest, why didn't anyone get that? Finally after numerous failed attempts to get me to eat she led me to a room away from all the noise so that I could go to sleep. Before I laid my head down I had to ask her one question.

"Where are my parents?" She turned back towards me and gave me a look of sympathy.....never a good sign.

" They will be here in the morning dear....now just get some rest...." when she left she closed the door behind her and I was left with the silence and darkness once more.

" Looks like its just me and you again old friend....." with that I closed my eyes and drifted off to a long and deep sleep.

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