Who's who all3genac essss

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(NOTE that I have to go to the actual book to make this)

The Sunlit Pack

Leader: Night- can't do many jokes because these aren't Warriors names, he just has dark fur lmao

Healer: Shadow- Night's bro, dark fur

Pack members

Crystal- White and light blue fur and pretty eyes- totally not the main character lmao (glad she isn;t 100000% a Mary Sue)


Flame- He has red fur and he's sus

Honeycomb- The one mongoose who's a different breed and gives Sun-pack (that doesn't exist yet) her long legs. Also she has RECTANGLE FRIGGING PUPILS.

Pinecone- He's from Maine, duh.

Destiny- NOOOOO this is The Journey Begins, y r u here bruh

Oak- criiii imma sad


Bandit- Does Home Alabama with Jasmine

Jasmine- Does Home Alabama with Bandit (yes they're first cousins which was just another oops on meh)

Olive- Dumb old man who doesn't give a frick about anyone else but himself

Shimmer - Pretty but broken EMO MOMENT LMAOOO

Diamond - I give up

pack-member trainees

Stone- I caught a stone, it's all mine-ral

Thorn- Don't touch him

Dawn- Not Dusk's mom or sister, surprisingly

Willow- One of the oldest Journey to Hope characters along with Smoke and Thunder

Rain- Not sus?

Penelope- Unnaturally patterned mongoose who's Stone's sister


Snow- Fond of breaking the fourth wall in Amber Flame because she's a girlboss lmao

Lilac- "iM soRrY I'mm BusY riGht Now" but a pup

Ruby- That one pup who will totally not perish

Fire - OOOooooooh sususususususussssyyyyyy lmaoooo (just kidding he isn't sus)

The Brightfields

Mongoose heaven, win win.

The Darkplace

Mongoose hell but not as bad as hell hell because the goddess isn't a prick

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