Chaptr onE

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Clover, not Johnson but a girl mongoose, was asleep in the woods for no reason. Away from her PACK. Anyway, she heard a tree fall, and another and they kept falling. She was scared. 

"If I stay, I'll die, but if I run, I'll die!" she exclaimed.

But she ran and didn't die, even though it said she'd die either way.

She ran through the light forest and into the den, crashing.

"What in Brightfields name is Going on????" Night shouted. Bossy leader >:(

"T-T TREES ARE F F F F FALLING!" Clover yelled.

Her sister Crystal, the mary sue, came out from nowhere and said "are you okay?" even though Clover was obviously scared and not okay. Dumb Mary Sue.!!1!!!111!

"WE NEED TO LEAVE DON'T GRAB ANYTHINGHH" Night DEMANDED spinning in CIRCLESSSS. He then ran out the den and everyone ran out and panicked 💀


But Bandit kept getting pushed out of the way because apperntly no one liked him. A tree fell in front of the den, and he lept over it, leaving his pregnant mate alone.

"HEY HELP YOU DOOFUS! I"M PREGGOS!" Jasmine yelled. 

"Oops" Bandit said, grabbing her, then they ran through the forest despite Jasmine being preggos.

The came across a beach. But Bandit was tired. When he sat up he realized he cut his paw 

"CALL AN AMBULAMNCE I CUT MY PAW1!!!!" Bandit screamed.

"Shut up I can cure you with moss because I'm smort" Jamine said. She grabbed moss from midair somehow and cleaned his paw with ground stuff. EwwwEWwwww

"Where's our pack?" Bandit asked

"We lost them doofussss" Jasmine said.

"I hope we find those weirdos," Bandit said, before looking at the sunset then laying down. Jasmine slept on top of him- Bandit fell alseep squished.

The Journey Begins (But it sucks)Where stories live. Discover now