Chapter 6: The Nightman Cometh

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"So, what do you guys want?"

Still looking at the floating Raynare, Gillian tilted her head. They were surrounded, both sides of the alley were blocked by the fallen.

One side guarded by Dohaseek, the other Kalawarner, and Gillian clearly felt that Freed guy, and several other weaker presence' hiding around.

"Why do you attack people at night? Are you perverted weirdos, or what?"

"You are dangerous. That's why! We, Fallen, had to protect ourselves from people like you. From people like that, boy! If his strength would went out of control..." Raynare remained silent, remembering the mission parameters. If that boy loses control, that poses a significant danger to everyone, he must die!

"Ah, so, you do preventive damage control. I see that still doesn't give you a reason to attack others randomly." Gillian glared at the fallen leader before her, making her scoff on the impertinence of the human.

"So that is why you attacked Issei, just to eliminate him before his sacred gear goes out of control? Disgusting! But it is expected, you Fallen always do this! Always using brute force instead of asking!" Rias was angry, a crimson aura emerging from her body. A phenomenon did not go unnoticed by Gillian.

"Hmph! Speak of a devil! Not that your kind would do any better. You also eliminate or recruit dangerous elements. We are the same. It's about the preservation of our people! Yes, we kept our eyes open, eliminating any threat, that's what we ordered to do. That is what you do as well. Or have you forgotten about all those strays you killed?" Raynare mocked Rias, smirking. "They are devils just like you. Yet, you kill them without remorse. Your own people. Now, who is the murderer?"

"We are not the same!" Rias spat, entirely disgusted by the woman.

"Deny it as many times you want, Princess of Ruin! Your kind, your brother also did horrible things in the past. Horrible things against our people, against the world. You are not as innocent as you like to think of yourself."

Rias' rage rose to new heights. Her brother would never hurt innocents! Never hurt those who does not deserve it . Or, that's what she wanted to believe.

The truth was, Sirzechs was still the Maou of her people. He might have done things he never spoke about, or kept it as a secret from his dear sister — maybe even from the whole family. Rias was, sadly aware of this.

"But this is not why we are here. Hand over our comrade, and this human. She is dangerous, even for you. She is one of the reasons we have come here, not to start a war. We only want to protect ourselves from harmful elements. Hand her over, and we will leave."

"I refuse! This is devil territory! You being here is already violates the war treaty! In the name of house Gremory, and Maou Sirzechs Lucifer, I detain you! Come willingly, and I will do everything in my power to gain you preferable treatment! Resist, and things will turn violent."

"Wow, Red, I have never seen you so aggressive."

"Tch! This is no time for jokes." Rias frowned, glancing at the white-haired girl who just offered a smug smile.

"Haah! Why did I even think this would work? Very well. Plan B then." Rayner did not even try to be convincing, ordered her subordinates. "Dohaseek, Kalawarner! Get that traitor! We tried to solve this in a civilized manner. It's time for plan B." Raynare gave her command, and the two immediately headed towards the entrance, flashing away.

"You wouldn't!" Rias snarled, gathering energy of destruction in her hand, but before she could release her spell, an unexpected thing happened.

"Look out!" 'Bang!'

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