Chapter 7: Damsel in Distress

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[A dark omen threatening their authority, force never reckoned before. Melding in darkness and light, twilight will shatter the balance of old!]

[... and when the unlikely child emerges, the king of thunder will decide! To destroy or to spare? Their actions will plant the seeds of consequence!]

[...The gears of causality move on, no god can stop it now]

[The nine realms was their home. A cherished haven of their dreams and self! Entropy has now shattered it forever]

[...And when the forbidden ritual brings the outsiders forth, their battle will shake heaven and hell! The nine realms of old! What will remain after their clash, even the gods dread to tell! The new world shall burst forth in their wake; balance, swallowed by their new order!]

[Sealed in a perpetual loop... never-ending, their prison, eternity...]

[Chaos and order will meld together in harmony and love! Chains weaken as the despised struggler arrives! The consequences will soon show their promised result! The first crack to appear!]

[A bridge towards chaos emerges as Infinity opens the gates, dreams above them crackles in joy! Their play guaranteed!]

[The fiery bird demands its tribute! The Red Princess shall be his prize! A battle, hard-fought, teaching the prideful a valuable lesson!]

[The Star of God shall lead the time of a lost inheritor, witnessing the wake of the ancient rivalry. A new family will await them, in the place where sides shall meet to converse and be merry.]

[Their path full of hardships and pain, painted by blood and vengeance, pursued by the wrath of the Vajra and Devas! They cannont escape their past forever...]

[... and when heroes lose the chance, the infinite makes a step, earning doubt. Authority defied by the arm which purifies god!]

[Heaven shatters, the locks weaken, their return is due!]

[The dreadful wolf falters before the twin beasts, terror fills the evil god in their wake! Ragnarok halted in their step; their master shows the true colors of the weakest race!]

[Sealed to heaven and the abyss, hiding from common sight, their time to return approaches! All who harmed them will tremble. Ragnar on the horizon. The outsiders will return! The outsiders will defy! Everyone shall tremble!]

[The guardian of the monarch revealed, carrying the origin of Sin! Ragnarok will soon burst!]

[The machination on the run! Losing control, the poison will bring forth the final order! Making way for the King of Salt! The Final Commandment erases all who defy it!]

[Worms forced to decide by the paradox, opening the locks of abyss and heaven! Released, betrayal paid by endless death!]

[Heir threatened, the one with the discarded name turns on his allies. Terror will awake in the ranks of old and new. He who swore to protect will destroy...]

[...The evilest makes a decision, after so long, choosing sides! If it brings forth annihilation or peace, only he can decide...]

[... and when the final trumpet booms, the beast of the end will resurface! Chaos will devour all! Free from a thousand chains, the failure of the fallen god starts his endless crusade!]

[A hard choice is to be made by the one who brings dreams and imagination true! Allies or enemies? Only one path leads to victory!]

[...To bring peace, one must destroy it! To bring harmony, one must sacrifice what's dearest! They will make the hardest choice, bringing forth the door on the world!]

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