Chapter 1

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I screamed loudly in the hallway without a care in the world. The only thing I'm aware of is my goal,

My goal to let him know how my feelings continue to deteriorate because of what he's done.

My grip on him tightened to the point his skin turned red.

He was the perfect guy
He was perfect for me
I was perfect, for him.
We're perfect for each other.

But somehow...



There was no response from him. Not even a single sound emmited from him.

"how could you stoop so low?" I breathed, finally running out of energy.

Instead of a response that I expected from him. He wriggled out of my grasp, gave me a short hard glare, and walked out.

I ended up falling down, as my body couldn't handle to stand up anymore.

I wailed in that empty hallway, not caring if someone walks by. Tears can't seen to stop falling from my face. I couldn't even be bothered to care about my make up at this point. Loud thoughts began to surface.

'How dare he'
'What did I even do to deserve this'
'I tried so hard to be perfect for him. To be called worthy for him. Yet...'

As I tried to stop the tears, a cold hand grabbed my elbow ang dragged me.

For a second I hoped it was him. Unfortunately, Luck hasn't been on my side since that day. A Tall man, yet strange... A strange Tall man, with a messy hair, Glasses, And Long lashes...

I was mesmerized, but my shock of him dragging me somewhere overpowered.

'Did he mistook me for someone else?'
'Is he kidnapping me?'
'Oh dear God, I really hope it's not the latter, You have to be optimistic Arcity... Just kick him and run.'

'Yes... Kick him and run.'
'Kick and run. Kick and run. Kick and run.'

But before I could proceed with my very thorough escape plan, he stopped infront of a restroom door, He then placed a gray handkerchief ontop of my palm, and shoved me inside the restroom.

I was dunbfounded at first.

Then came confusion,
But Amazement and Awe soon followed.

That stranger comforted me in an unusual way, nevertheless his actions made me forget about the guy I was actually crying about, for a second.

Thank Goodness my uncontrollable tears stopped. I rinsed my face and used the stranger's handkerchief to wipe my face. He gave it to me, might as well use it.

I re-applied my make up from the start, Those tears really proved the waterproof wrong. Powerful tears... So fetch.

When I was done, I looked less sad, and more human. I stepped out of the safety of the restroom. I was shocked to see the strange man outside, leaning on the wall as if he was waiting for me.

He was wearing a gray polo, his sleeves were rolled up. His Eyes. 'Oh dear God, his eyes. I feel like I'd melt by the intensity of his gaze. And Damn! He's a perfectly sculpted piece of art' I thought as I stared at his Greek God-Like Face. He slowly stood straight and walked up to me.

Once he stood infront of me. He cleared his throat awkwardly. 'How could it be not awkward? I was literally craning my neck because of his abnormally large height!' I thought once again.

"Give me back the handkerchief next time" He muttered then turned around.

I was stunned, his words were still processing, delayed in everyway due to his deep voice.

'Godz, am I dreaming?' I thought.

"You most definitely are Not! GIRLL! WHO IS THAT HANDSOME MAN?" My friend, who suddenly came uo from behind me.

I was still stunned while she continued talking. "Girl! I was looking everywhere for you! I was worried you'd go find and beg your ex to comeback to you, yet here you are talking to that handsome-" She rambled

"enough already. He just helped me. Now come on, let's get to class, we're late!" I cutted her off

"Late? We still have 25 minutes left of free tim—" I once again cutted her off and dragged her towards our room.

But you'd never guess what happened half an hour later.

The Strange Man was introduced as a new classmate. Crazy right? Yeah well, not only that but we have almost the same class schedule except for fridays. How did I know? I have a chikadora friend.


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