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Raghav looked at pallavi who was leaning back on wall of the hotel room.he was livid and asked "do you care to explain"

"Raghav,I am really sorry. I was not aware this was launching event and that too in keerthis name" she said in guilty voice

"It means you were aware this was my event,even after I requested you multiple time not to come infront of me,you decided to take part in the event.i am wondering you were aware of the event when I met you in your home at rithus birthday event last time"he asked furiously

On hearing his words ,Pallavi looked down at the ground and nodded at him.

" you know what, I felt so bad for you that you could not attend the rithus birthday party .i got cake for you and left it in your home to bring a smile on you face.when you all along scheming against me and hit me where it hurts the most. I should get a award for falling in your trap again and again"

"Raghav I really understand ,what I did to you is not forgivable,can you please try to understand me for one last time, I am ready to accept any action you take against me.i really regret where it ended up,initially when I took this project,I was not aware its yours,by the time I realized that it was too late. "

Raghav laughed at her words " you really understand my situation,that is joke of the year, I am pretty sure you went against me this time also to save your so called sunny. It's always him. You always push me under the truck for it speaking against me in the court for rithus custody or in this case. I am surprised at this point,if you even consider me as a human who could also get hurt" saying that he looked at pallavi,guilt in her face implied ,she did this to save sunny and his assumption was correct

"You know this was the only way I could find to put off some burden of loosing my sister . You took away even that from me. I dedicated two years for this project. I was eagerly waiting for today,I thought I could manage to leave behind baggage of guilty from today's event.thanks to you it grown multi folds. You wrecked all my plan" he crumbled the event invitation in his hand and clenched his fist in frustration.Tearing his gaze away from her, he punched the wall behind her.

Pallavi got petrified and saw blood oozing out of his knuckles,she stepped quickly towards him and was about to get hold of his hand,when he took a step back and gestured her to stop.

"This pain is nothing compared to ,pain you emotionally inflicted in me. You are the one my sister hated till her last breath. And same person mainly contributed to her jewellary brand.irony is, I am the one who brought agony in her life by involving you in my life before as well as after her death. Keerthi must be cursing  me for repeating the history. And the day you choose to pull the tricks is her bloody death anniversary" He looked as though he lost reason to live anymore

"I could not hurt you cause,the love I had overpowered anger I arboured for you. Even after knowing your decision two years back lead to my sister death, i  forgiven you for the pain you caused.instead of punishing you for your deeds ,I chose to walk away without a fight.You ripped my heart away pallavi i was in love with you.many times I try to see from your perspective,just to figure out where it went wrong. After all these when I came back to hyderbad and encountered you,I have taken it on myself to care for you.looking back at all the things I have done for you,i am realizing you do not deserve my empathy" saying that he walked towards the door.

"Raghav" she said to his retreating figure.he turned to face her ,a challenging glint in his face and he took a deep breath hoping to numb the pain which is growing inside and said
"I want to ask you one last question,answer me without lying,were you in my backstage room when I went to take rest"

Pallavi nodded yes.he stepped towards her and got hold of her shoulder with his both hand and asked her "why were you there,what were you planning to do.was there anything else you are hiding from me"

Heaving a sigh of helpless pallavi said  "I did not want you to know ,I am part of the I went to your room to tear the page where my name was mentioned" on hearing this raghav let go of her hand.

"So you came to my room tear the pages of draft copy and thinking it as final one. If I had not had a another copy I wouldn't have come to know you were deceiving me" He felt helpless and he had not have any more energy to listen to any more words,taking his coat from the back of the couch ,he headed for door and stopped before leaving the room and said "You can love some one,but trust is the thing which binds the relation for a long run .today you lost that and we are done forever.what you are going to see from now onwards would he other side of me" saying that he turns his back,leaving Pallavi behind him

His words snatched words from her
mouth and tugged on her heart.she could feel the emotion behind his words,it made her eyes tear up,especially when he cared all these years enough ,even after things happened between them.she felt the wetness of her cheek from the tears that fell and wiped them away.

Two days back when he got back home after the event he was exhausted mentally and physically. Jaya his mother was waiting for his arrival and she enthusiastically told how every one around happy about the event.she was joyfully telling the stories and she was happy her daughter name would become house hols name in the country.this was the first time he saw her happy on his sister death anniversary.

Even though he lost intrest in life in general.atleast for his mother he wanted make this brand a house hold name.

It's been two days since the launch.raghav climbed out of bed.he could not sleep well.he had not slept well in the past years since her sister death. Farhad called and informed him that event was successful and designs were loved by the customers and it was a hit.

As he couldn't launch the brand in africa cause of some of glitches in the investors from prestigious company showed intrest. they want to collaborate with them. Raghav and Farhad drawn new contract and the launch will be oficially held in banglore next month he had postponed his plan to return to Africa for now

Raghav planned to terminate the contract with the swamy team after six months as he does not want involve with the pallavi or her shop.but now he has to go back to them and redrawn new contract for banglore event.he was doing all these for his mother and sister.just cause he was in pain,it does not mean he would take away his mother happiness.she always suffered from his action,atleast this time around he wanted to give her back happiness qnd he thought this time he would make sure pallavi wouldn't be involved in the project.

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