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It's been a month raghav was able to complete client project and he was even successful in bringing fes more clients to the company.if he able to complete other projects he would compensate most of the damages occurred cause of kicking out old investor,but progress in finding culprit who landed Pallavi in trouble is progressing at snail speed

The culprit is either too good at their job or  knows every one so well  has not left any clue to trace it back to him/her.

Raghav has decided to take an off  so that he can work on finding a culprit.he was going through the cctv footage,when he heard some one knocking on the door.he paused the video and got up from dining table walked to front door thinking its Pallavi,to his surprise it was preethi.

He let her in before asking why she is at his home."sorry to disturb you on your off,but I wanted to send this design  by end of the day,it's kind of urgent.client called me up in morning saying they need additional design along with the existing I had to come here"

Raghav told her it's ok,he took the design spread it on his dining table,as they go through the design.

It's almost an hour,still they were half way through design.raghav asked  her to order food,as it was almost lunch time.

When food arrived,she insists on accompany her for lunch, but raghav refused saying he had late breakfast while continuing on the review of design.

He reviewed design asked her to make some changes after she finished her lunch.

Raghav went back to watching cctv footage.he has been watching month long video,just to check if he could get any clue.

After finishing lunch ,preethi poured water in a glass, had half of it and reached next to raghav, where he has placed the reviewed design.before she could pick the documents her eyes landed on the cctv footage and making her spill water on raghav in shock.

Raghav got up from the chair and started wiping water off  his shirt "I am so sorry,I was not looking at where I am going,let me dab it for you"

She took a tissue from the corner of dining table and started dabbing it

"It's ok no need  to worry,I will go and change" saying that he started unbuttoning his shirt while walking towards his room, when he saw Pallavi leaving the front door.

He ran out of the home towards her home,when he saw its locked he ran to the steps ,where he saw her one floor down. He took a two step a time reached her in a second, held her hand,making her to come to an abrupt stop and he turned her towards him "I know you are misunderstanding, what you saw,I can explain"

She clapped her hands violently and laughed at him "yes I always misunderstood things,you were so cozy with her in dining hall,anyone with their bare eyes see what's happening there.look at your shirt you would have unbuttoned it completely,if I wouldn't have caught you earlier. From last few months I am feeling so lonely still you didn't have an hour for me,but you took a day off and having lunch date with her"

Raghav pushed her to the wall behind him and trapped her in between his arms by placing both of his hands on either side of her head "this is called cozy,did you see me like this with her,you just saw me walking to room to change my shirt and created your own story in your mind.preethi was in my  home just for designs there is nothing more or less to it.just for you I had a discussion with her on this topic,just to make you happy.i hardly spoke to her,still you come up with your bizard imaginary stories. According to you every women in this world loves me"

Pallavi pulled his collar,making raghav to stumble on her,he was almost breathing on her face "you were this close to her,as far as everyone loving you or want you in life,I am not wrong, here every one from preethi to nandini loves you,ho sorry....sorry they are crazy about you"

Raghav controlled his rage "have you lost your mind,you are bringing nandini into your assumed love list.i treated her like my sister,I saw keerthi in could you even think like you even know what have I been doing from morning,no you do not know and there is no point to explain to you. You are going somewhere before I stopped you right,go enjoy your day" saying that raghav took a step to his home leaving crying Pallavi behind

Once he reached home,he wrapped up his work with preethi as quickly as possible, before Pallavi come up with different story

Earlier Pallavi was in wash room ,when she heard some one gossiping raghav hardly gave any time to Pallavi,he is done with her and he might get back to preethi,who is more sophisticated and educated than Pallavi. Their words hurt her feeling but she ignored it but when she saw raghav and preethi in his house with so much proximity ,hell broke down. Her insecurities also made its way back

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