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He stopped in his track when he saw pallavi calmly sleeping on his bed.he moved closer to her ,to make sure he was not imagining things.when he confirmed it was her,he kept looking at her sleeping form for a while before he went to freshen up

When he came back after long needed shower,he moved to other side of the bed where pallavi was sleeping.he stared down at her with a wide smile in his face.he was not sure what he feel towards her,but for the moment he was certain it's a mixture of relief and love

He reached into his pocket and pulled out his mobile and went through his calendar for pending work.seeing so much of work is pending, He took his laptop and placed himself next to sleeping pallavi has he started working on the pending things.

He has not realized its almost four in the morning when he finished major chunk of work.keeping laptop aside he looked back at pallavi who stirred in her sleep and got closer to where he was sitting.he inched closer to her,afraid any sudden movement might wake her up.he kissed her forehead thinking,he had to take it easy or he might loose her again.pulling himself away from her,he slumped on the pillow next to her

Pallavi woke up to the alarm sound,she picked the alarm next to bed,pulling herself up from the sleep,she turned off the alarm and placed it back on the table. She was about to turn around and get up she saw raghav sleeping next to her.her heart skipped a bit.

she has been waiting for him from last one week.she thought she would fight with him when he return back for not calling her back Fior a week ,but looking at his tiered face,her anger and dissapointment faded into thin air

Raghav stirred in his sleep and opened his eyes to see pallavi looking at him,smiling at her, he said "good morning"

Pallavi was about to whish him back when raghav pulled her to him close and crushed her to him and whispered in her ear "you do not know how much I missed you" saying that he buried his face in her neck

"Raghav I missed you too" she said in low voice

He pushed her little bit away from him and smirked at her,looking at his cloths on her and said "I could see that,you are in my cloths,on my bed in my room."

Pallvi groaned at his comment "if you are here to make fun of me,then I am going back to my apartment" saying that she tried to move away from him to no avail

"Why would I make fun of you,when you  look so good in my cloth.if I knew earlier, only way for me to get you on my bed is to disappear for a week,then I would have done it way back" saying that he leaned closer to her and kissed back of her ear and proceed to kiss her jaw

Pallavi shivered in his close proximity,she panicked before she knew what she was doing,she tickled his sides which made him laugh harder and he try squirm away from her but fail to do so

Once she realized she is in control of the situation,she saw him panting.laughing at his pain she whispered in his hear "say the magic word,will let you go"

"I am sorry.really sorry.i never make fun of you" He said laughing and panting as he tried to push her away

Once she stopped,Raghav narrowed down at her and said "I know what you did to distract me,you would not be able to escape from me for a long,I am dropping the subject for now" saying that he took her hand and directed her towards kitchen to have a breakfaast.

In the evening raghav and pallavi decided to go out for was drizzling outside,weather perfect for night out. They managed to reach the restaurant on time, without get stuck in the evening traffic. They were about to enter the restaurant but pallavi stopped  him by helding his hands.

Raghav turned around and looked at her skeptically.pallavi direct her hands towards the corner seat where nandini  and Prasad were having dinner and lost  in deep conversation

As soon as raghav saw what pallavi showing him, his mood changed,his eyes got darker and angry.he was about to March towards the couple and interrupt them but pallavi stopped him again

"Raghav what are you doing" she said with astonished expression for his reaction

Raghav glared at her and said "I am about to enquire what are they doing in the late evening together"

Pallavi rolled her eyes and asked "how does it matters to you"

"They are my employees and i have a right to question them.i can not let them date each other especially nandini"

Pallavi got irritated with his opinion and said "it is their personal matter,it's none of our businesses what they do outside office hours.if you want to still interrupt, go ahead but I am not going to entertain this" saying that she walked out of the restaurant

Pallavi felt strange,she never saw him go overprotective over anyone outside the family.but him being so sensitive over nandini tugged at her heart.she felt insecure,though she love nandini,somewhere she felt jealous.

Pallavi was sitting inside car waiting for raghav. She was expecting him to return way earlier,but it was taking time. some point she felt he might have approached them against her words  but few minutes later she saw raghav making his way back towards parking while he was on call.he instructed someone to keep an eye on nandini and monitor her till she reaches home.

After ending the call he reached the car got inside and looked at Pallavi,after hearing the conversation he had on the call,her mood soared down and she did not turned towards him as she just looked out of the window

Raghav raked his fingers through his hair in frustration before starting the vehicle.

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