Vernon || Christmas Rescue [END]

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It's 7:10 p.m., and I'm in one of the karaoke rooms I reserved when I arrived. I couldn't do much but sit and worry while waiting inside.

But, of course, I've bought a small snack and some beverages for us to enjoy while we talk. Hansol enters 15 minutes later. He was breathing heavily as he entered, indicating that he rushed over here.

He apologized through his pants, "Sorry, I'm late."

"Don't worry."

"Soonyoung would not stop us from practicing," he said as he sat next to me, taking off his coat and drinking from the glass of water in front of him.

"Why would you want to meet here at the karaoke bar?" I inquired. When we hold crucial discussions, we normally do it at a cafe or a library. So I was interested as to why he chose this location.

"I needed a place where no one could overhear our chat," he explained.

During the silence, he went for his backpack and brought out a bubble-gum pink box, which he placed on the table in front of me. Opened, revealing the identical bracelet but in rose quartz.

Seeing the same exact box astonished me, and Hansol could tell by my reaction that I knew what the box was.

"How did you get that?"

"When I got home from rehearsals two explosions ago, I noticed this box just resting on top of my guitar case," he continued, "Do you have the same thing?"

I pulled out my box and placed it near his, leaving it open.

"I assumed my elder sister had given me this as an early Christmas present, so I never gave it any attention."

"The same thing happened here, but when the second rewind happened, I discovered something."

"And what is it?"

"These bracelets are the source of these déjà vu experiences."

My brow wrinkled in bewilderment. "Do you mean this is the tool that made us travel back in time?"

"I believe so, and we're the only ones who remember what occurred, and I believe these bracelets are the reason," he added. "These are no ordinary bracelets. It's as if it carries magic inside of it, sparing us from dying from the explosion on the 17th."

"I think I've figured out how to stop it," I said.

"What do you mean?"

I took the three papers I had been given and set them on the table next to each other.

"Time is rewinding; it becomes your reality. Eliminate the King..." He read, "Is this all?"

"I don't know," I shrugged, "but what I do know is that we need to assassinate the king to get everything back to normal."

"Who's the king?"

"I believe it's the dobby-looking monster that only appears during earthquakes."

"Do you mean the thing that lives within the hole behind the fallen clock?"

I agreed by nodding.

"That explains why you tried to throw rocks at it."

"Unfortunately, it did not work."

"Why don't you use your bow and arrow? You're an expert at aiming with that," he said.

"But shooting with them requires the use of both arms; how am I going to support myself while both of my hands are occupied?"

"With your feet? There's a technique for that."

How could I have forgotten about that? Aerial silk is an activity in which you fold the silk on your foot to be able to stand above the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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